ztable filter error.

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ztable filter error.

Post by sfxcc »

I tryed to filter with ztable

ztable1.filter := 'CONAME="teste"';
ztable1.Filtered := true;

it shows nothing .

Do anyone know why?

I been reading the source and found only MasterLink filter on
procedure filterrow on zabstractRODataset unit.

Does ztable filter only linked tables (Master/Detail)????

I almost sure the client dataset is better then a zquery, the clientdataset a provider to filter( this one only ask to ztable (already local) the data once and filter it alone on is memory datacopy) i supose the clientdatset is better but ...

Does the zquery " *teste*" works ? - suppose so ?

Any better ideia ???
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Post by mdaems »

We need some more details to solve the filter issue. How's the table structure?

Some more beginner advise :
- usually SQL filters (select ... from ... where <filter>) are more efficient, unless you want to allow the user to select them on an already opened full dataset.
- in case you don't want to show all rows and all fields of a table you should use a zquery to limit the amount of raw data returned from the database server.

I'm not really comfortable with clientdatasets, but if I understand the concept correctly you'll always need a tzquery or similar dataset component to feed data to the provider component.

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Post by sfxcc »

THE REAL problem is the command 1 didnt work on ( ztable filter ).
So i think it doesnt filter at all except the (master/detail) (went to code see)

COMMAND 1 : ( doesnt work )
ztable1.filter := 'CONAME="teste"';
ztable1.Filtered := true;

What i wanna do is for Example :
CONAME ="*teste*" didnt work on a Ttable, Tclientdataset ...
so if it doesnt work on ztable is ok.

But this does work on a client dataset etc :
CONAME ="teste*" or CONAME ="teste"

What i did to work :
It worked with client data set and a ztable is fine (whould be better filter directly on ztable ).

I get all the "clients list" table (ztable) then i filter it with a clientdataset connected to a provider and the provider to the ztable.

Can you garantie me im not wrong to make sure i dont use (extra Clientdatasets without need).

If ztable dont filter there is other way to filter :

To check in any pos if text "teste" exist any where on string like "*teste*" with caseinsensitive do :

You can change the onfilterrecord from dataset datalink

procedure comp.onfilterrecord(dataset:tdataset:var accept:boolean);
accept := pos(Ansiuppercase('teste' {the supposed "*teste*"}),ansiuppercase(field.asstring) {data base string} )>0;

Did it on clientdataset, works fine, while i press keys to filter and shows record that contains "teste" anywhere.

Hope this, help a bit. ( Didt change any zeus code i want the original is better :D )

Sorry for the throuble.

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Post by mdaems »

Please check if TZAbstractRODataset.FilterRow function is executed when using a TZTable component. It *should*. Then check what happens with this part at the end of this function:

Code: Select all

  { Check the record by filter expression. }
  if FilterEnabled and (FilterExpression.Expression <> '') then
    if not InitFilterFields then
      FilterFieldRefs := DefineFilterFields(Self, FilterExpression);
      InitFilterFields := True;
    CopyDataFieldsToVars(FilterFieldRefs, ResultSet,
    Result := FilterExpression.VariantManager.GetAsBoolean(
      FilterExpression.DefaultFunctions, FilterStack));
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