Error creating table URGENT

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Error creating table URGENT

Post by sfxcc »

I have an error executing this code on fb (didnt test others):
it connects to the fb .. cause it have 1 client and when i close program (disconnect) 0 clients.

The connection of the components are the zconnection i selected on obj inspector.

NEED THIS URGENT - dead line for project over and i didnt even create a table ....

I cant do anything with this yet ... coulndt even create the demo tables..
Should be the dialect the problem ???

I did create the database with other method (dll call directly) but is ok. but exec commands on zquery or zsqlprocessor no :oops:

The sql is on the end.
Can some one help me on this.

error : Acess error 00000 000000..

with ZConnection do
User := ZUername.Text;
Password := ZPassword.Text;
Protocol := 'firebird-2.1';//ZProtocol.Text;
HostName := ZHost.Text;
if ZPort.Text <> '(default)' then
Port := StrToInt(ZPort.Text);
Database := ZDatabase.Text;




create table cargo (
c_id INTEGER not null,
c_dep_id SMALLINT,
c_name CHAR(10),
c_seal SMALLINT,
c_date_came TIMESTAMP,
c_date_out TIMESTAMP,
c_weight FLOAT,
c_width INTEGER,
c_height INTEGER,
c_cost NUMERIC(12,4),
c_attributes BLOB SUB_TYPE TEXT,
primary key (c_id)

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Post by seawolf »

Just to understand .. supposing you have already created the db
if you do a ZConnection.PingServer command, do you receive an error or everything is ok?

If you add a Zquery command to the project, and add a sql command like

select * from mytable, do you receive any error or do you receive the data?

Or just do you need to create a table?

EDIT: I 've just sent an email with a project
Last edited by seawolf on 13.05.2010, 21:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sfxcc »

I did pingserver ok beep. bye now i need to create the tables ..

do the test, thne i need to do the rest, so i hanged on the beggining.

other :
Does any of these components do get a pagination result ?????'
Only 100 bye the time

i added u to my msn sfxcc mail but did sent a messege yesterday on hyndrasfx mail

this server have a chat .. . so it is beeter this block me to send 60 sec message
Last edited by sfxcc on 13.05.2010, 21:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sfxcc »

Problem Solve thank you seawolf.
where's the code ..
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