[patch_done] Error Param.DataType in TZStoredProcedure

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[patch_done] Error Param.DataType in TZStoredProcedure

Post by nico.callewaert »


Maybe this is reported already, but if I use TZStoredProc and a string parameter as input, I receive Param.Datatype unknown error (line 221 : raise EZDatabaseError.Create(SUnKnownParamDataType);)

After debugging TZStoredProc.SetStatementParams, I noticed that the string parameter is passed as WideString (I don't have any idea why it's passed as Widestring and not as string. The string is only 20 chracters long. Anyway when I add ftWidestring, it is working.

Line 181 :

ftString , ftFixedChar:
Statement.SetString(I+1, Param.AsString);

Changed to :

ftString , ftWideString, ftFixedChar:
Statement.SetString(I+1, Param.AsString);

I hope the way I did it is correct ?
Anyway after recompiling the library, everything is working fine...

Best regards and thanks !
Nico Callewaert
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Post by mdaems »

SVN REV 798.

Thanks for the patch,

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Post by nico.callewaert »

Thank you Mark !!