Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

The offical for ZeosLib 7.3 Report problems, ask for help, post proposals for the new version of Zeoslib 7.3/v8
Quick Info:
-We made two new drivers: odbc(raw and unicode version) and oledb
-GUID domain/field-defined support for FB
-extended error infos of Firebird
-performance ups are still in queue
In future some more feature will arrive, so stay tuned and don't hassitate to help
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by tkamphuis »

Hello Michal,

I Have a problem when I try to define a BeforeOpen or a BeforeRefresh on a Query component.
The error = ZAbstractDataset.pas(181,59) Error: Identifier not found: TWideDataSet

I'm using ZeosLib 7.3 rev 5277
Windows 10 version 1809
Lazarus 2.0 rev 2 64 bits


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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by zl_frank »


Same here. I replaced line 181 in ZAbstraktRODataset.pas with

{$IFDEF TWideDataSet}
TZAbstractRODataset = class(TWideDataSet)
TZAbstractRODataset = class(TDataSet)

and it seems to work now.

Best regards

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by marsupilami »

zl_frank wrote:Hello Jan,

I spent several hours on trying to find the bug, but all attempts were to no avail. I started the relevant part of my project from scratch and copied code from the old project in chunks to the new project to isolate the bug. Everthing went fine. The new project works exactly as expected and the old project still throws weird SIGSEGVs at me (identical environment for both projects). :?

I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed to provide you with the original failing project and I cannot spent more time on this at the moment.

So, I'll make an educated guess: While we went on with development, suddenly another database related part of the project failed with similar SIGSEGVs. But here the reason was obvious: A DataModule wasn't in the correct order within the list of Application.CreateForm(...) in the .lpr file. This is known to be a 'special feature' AFAIK. I had checked this at first before bothering you and it was ok. But maybe something went wrong with DataModules inside Lazarus that didn't come to my attention?

Best regards

Hello Frank, thank you for keeping me informed. Unfortunately I can't help with that - I simply have no idea what could be wrong. If your new project works, all we can do is see it it keeps working.

Best regards,

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5296:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/

compiles and run on:

- Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32 (Windows 10-32),
- Lazarus 2.0.0RC2-Win64 (Windows 10-64),
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp mod (Windows 10-64),
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp mod (Windows 7-64),
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64 (Windows 10-64),

mORMot 1.18.4860_mod - passes the database test with ZEOS(Delphi 10 Seattle Win32/Win64, Delphi 2007).
LazSqlX_5. - Compiles and works(Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32/2.0.0RC2-Win64).

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by tkamphuis »

Hello Frank,

Thanks a lot for your solution, it works for me too.

Best regards,

Theo Kamphuis
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by Fr0sT »

tkamphuis wrote: I Have a problem when I try to define a BeforeOpen or a BeforeRefresh on a Query component.
The error = ZAbstractDataset.pas(181,59) Error: Identifier not found: TWideDataSet
Yep, this should have worked but Lazarus has bug which prevents the expected behavior. So that change was cancelled.
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5307:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/

compiles and run on:

- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64 (Windows 10-64).

Last edited by miab3 on 28.11.2018, 12:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5313:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/

compiles and run on:

- Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32 (Windows 10-32),
- Lazarus 2.0.0RC2-Win64 (Windows 10-64),
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp mod (Windows 10-64),
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp mod (Windows 7-64),
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64 (Windows 10-64),
- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64 (Windows 10-64).

Tested: SQLite, Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL, mySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL(ADO, OLE DB, ODBC, FreeTDS), Access.
mORMot 1.18.4860_mod - passes the database test with ZEOS(Delphi 10 Seattle Win32/Win64, Delphi 2007).
LazSqlX_5. - Compiles and works(Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32/2.0.0RC2-Win64).
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5342:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.0RC2-Win64,
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes/OSX32,
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/Android.

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5364:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0RC1-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.0RC2-Win64,
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes/OSX32,
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/Android.

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by Zoran »

Zeos is currently broken on Linux.

To be worse, it is backported to fixes branch 7.2.4 (the bug appears there since revision 5365).

My system: Lazarus 1.8.4, FPC 3.0.4 Linux 18.3 Xfce 64-bit

Lazarus compiles ok, but then the application with ZConnection cannot start.

To reproduce the bug, start new application, put a ZConnection on the form.
The application compiles, but when you try to run the application, you will get:
Project project1 raised exception class 'ESyncObjectException' with message:
Failed to create OS basic event with name ""

At address 6CCC8B
And the assembler window is open. I don't know what to do then.
I don't know how to debug it -- putting the breakpoint in the first line of project file does not help, as the exception gets raised before it gets to the first line.

Then, to narrow the problem, I wanted at least to track down the actual commit which introduced this in 7.3 - but I could not because the 7.3 svn versions from the beginning of December cannot compile at all. As I said, in 7.2.4 it appeared in rev. 5365 (18.12.2018).

See the bugreport: https://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/tickets/324/
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by Zoran »

The problem I described it the previous post disappeared in 7.2.4 fixes branch in rev. 5381. (yesterday, 20. january).
So, I closed the ticket. Thank you.
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by marsupilami »

Good to know. It seems your problem was related to a driver manager issue which the patch from Sunday shoud have fixed: http://zeoslib.sourceforge.net/viewtopi ... 40&t=86386
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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5437:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0RC3-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.0RC3-Win64,
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes/OSX32,
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/Android.

mORMot test passes.

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Re: Zeos 7.3 testers-thread

Post by miab3 »

@EgonHugeist, @Jan, @Fr0sT, @mdaems, All

ZEOS 7.3.x svn 5438:

http://sourceforge.net/p/zeoslib/code-0 ... sting-7.3/


- Lazarus 2.0.0-Win32,
- Lazarus 2.0.0-Win64,
- Delphi 2007-Win32/C++32 with small hpp fixes,
- RAD Studio XE2 -Win32/Win64/C++32 with small hpp fixes/(OSX32-requires testing),
- Delphi 10 Seattle-Win32/Win64,
- Delphi 10.3 Rio-Win32/Win64/(Android-requires testing).

mORMot test passes(Delphi Win32/Win64)

Last edited by miab3 on 20.02.2019, 09:12, edited 2 times in total.
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