Connecting to MySQL from IDE

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Connecting to MySQL from IDE

Post by yapt »


after install Zeos from SVN a few days ago, I tested I could compile existing applications, execute and test they.

All Ok, I though.

But today I had to start a new application and I follow this steps:

Drop ZConnection -> mysql5 -> user -> password - host

But when I try to set CONNECTED=true
then i receive an error:
"None of the dynamic libraries can be found: libmysqld51.dll, libmysqld50.dll, libmysqld.dll"

In spite of I have copied libmysqld51.dll to:
{application folder}\

But no luck until now.

I have tested always this with an existing application with mysql access:
- Compile it.
- Run it and all is ok.
But if I try to set Zconnection.connected=true on the IDE, I got same error.

Any idea What I am doing wrong ?

PS: I have update from SVN today and tried to install again.
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Post by yapt »

It has solved itself. I don't undesrtand why but suddenly it has begin to work like a charm. Perhaps after close/execute the IDE again (Delphi 2010).


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Post by yapt »

Same problem with PostgreSQL libraries.


Where I must to put libraries to Zeos find it ?
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Post by mdaems »

The general rule : In the general Windows path or the directory containing the runnig program executable. Attention : for postgresql there's more than one dll loaded (by the main postgres dll), so they should all be available.

More specific for the IDE this depends on the general Windows path used by the IDE. If adding the dll's to the windows system32 dir doesn't work, the only solution I can think of is adding those dll's to the same dir the IDE is in.

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Post by yapt »

Trying to test this i decide to first do a svn-update to my ZeosLib. After that I have version at revision: 760.

But now I cannot compile. I got this error:

Compiling ZTestCoreAll.dproj (Debug configuration)
+ dcc command line for "ZTestCoreAll.dpr"
[DCC Error] E1026 File not found: 'ZTestFramework.drf'

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Post by yapt »

Revision 761.

I have tried to copy to the application folder:


all of them from my PostgreSQL 8.4 installation, except libpq81.dll I have tried from ZeosLib\lib\postgresql directory.

No luck for the moment. Same message here:

None of the dynamic libraries can be found: libpq81.dl, libpq.dll

Same error on IDE than on standalone executable tests.
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Post by cariad »


Here's the list of DLL I distribute when using a Postgres database :
  • comerr32.dll
  • gssapi32.dll
  • k5sprt32.dll
  • krb5_32.dll
  • libeay32.dll
  • libiconv2.dll
  • libintl3.dll
  • libpq.dll
  • ssleay32.dll
You might also need msvcr71.dll. Hope it helps.