TEXT column null

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TEXT column null

Post by bibopp »

hi everybody,

I'am using D7 and Zeos 6.6.5 to insert/update data to mysql 5 database, I use TZQuery and TZUpdateSQL component.

My code generate insert/update string for TZUpdateSQL dinamically reading from another db. This means TZUpdateSQL.InsertSQL.Text is like this: "INSERT INTO table1 (name, username, email, password, params) VALUES (:pname, :pusername, :pemail, :ppassword, :pparams)"

Next step my code set parameters and then call quey.Post;

The issue is about field 'params', it is TEXT column in mysql and NOT NULL.
I set value to 'timezone=0' but I get the error "Field params is required, but not supplied." in TZAbstractRODataset.InternalPost when Checkrequired is call.

Why this? If I set field value to ' ' in beforepost of TZQuery it work but it insert 'timezone=0' not ' ' like I expect.

Some ideas?

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