the Value returned is shown in Delphi as "Unknown Type: 14".
An error is raised saying "Invalid variant type conversion".
The undelying data field (PostgreSQL) has data type bigint.
I consider this a bug.
I've read somewhere that the variant type 14 corresponds to the VT_DECIMAL type. I've found it in the ZVariant unit but by debugging I noticed that the code there isn't involved anyhow.
What should I do about this? I need to work with the bigint number as variant under Zeos too. BDE worked fine in this case but I like Zeos too much to leave it
Last edited by Cigydd on 02.09.2009, 14:55, edited 1 time in total.
function PostgreSQLToSQLType(Connection: IZPostgreSQLConnection;
TypeOid: Integer): TZSQLType; overload;
case TypeOid of
1186,18,1043: Result := stString; { interval/char/varchar }
25: Result := stAsciiStream; { text }
26: { oid }
if Connection.IsOidAsBlob() then
Result := stBinaryStream
Result := stInteger;
19: Result := stString; { name }
21: Result := stShort; { int2 }
23: Result := stInteger; { int4 }
20,14: Result := stLong; { int8 }
700: Result := stFloat; { float4 }
701,1700: Result := stDouble; { float8/numeric. no 'decimal' any more }
790: Result := stFloat; { money }
16: Result := stBoolean; { bool }
1082: Result := stDate; { date }
1083: Result := stTime; { time }
1114,1184,702: Result := stTimestamp; { timestamp,timestamptz/abstime. no 'datetime' any more}
24: Result := stString; { regproc }
17: { bytea }
if Connection.IsOidAsBlob then
Result := stBytes
Result := stBinaryStream;
1042: Result := stString; { bpchar }
22,30: Result := stAsciiStream; { int2vector/oidvector. no '_aclitem' }
651, 1000..1028: Result := stAsciiStream;
Result := stUnknown;
function PostgreSQLToSQLType(Connection: IZPostgreSQLConnection;
TypeName: string): TZSQLType;
TypeName := LowerCase(TypeName);
if (TypeName = 'interval') or (TypeName = 'char')
or (TypeName = 'varchar') then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'text' then
Result := stAsciiStream
else if TypeName = 'oid' then
if Connection.IsOidAsBlob() then
Result := stBinaryStream
Result := stInteger;
else if TypeName = 'name' then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'cidr' then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'inet' then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'macaddr' then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'int2' then
Result := stShort
else if TypeName = 'int4' then
Result := stInteger
else if (TypeName = 'int8') or (TypeName = 'bigint') then
Result := stLong
else if TypeName = 'float4' then
Result := stFloat
else if (TypeName = 'float8') or (TypeName = 'decimal')
or (TypeName = 'numeric') then
Result := stDouble
else if TypeName = 'money' then
Result := stDouble
else if TypeName = 'bool' then
Result := stBoolean
else if TypeName = 'date' then
Result := stDate
else if TypeName = 'time' then
Result := stTime
else if (TypeName = 'datetime') or (TypeName = 'timestamp')
or (TypeName = 'timestamptz') or (TypeName = 'abstime') then
Result := stTimestamp
else if TypeName = 'regproc' then
Result := stString
else if TypeName = 'bytea' then
if Connection.IsOidAsBlob then
Result := stBytes
Result := stBinaryStream;
else if TypeName = 'bpchar' then
Result := stString
else if (TypeName = 'int2vector') or (TypeName = 'oidvector')
or (TypeName = '_aclitem') then
Result := stAsciiStream
else if (TypeName <> '') and (TypeName[1] = '_') then // ARRAY TYPES
Result := stAsciiStream
Result := stUnknown;
if Connection.GetCharactersetCode = csUTF8 then
case Result of
stString: Result := stUnicodeString;
stAsciiStream: Result := stUnicodeStream;
- I'm using Zeos 6.6.5 stable. Will test on SVN if needed.
- I'm using Delphi 5 and it may be the catch (it doesn't support Variant type vtInt64; VT_DECIMAL (=14) used in ZVariant unit works but it creates an unusable Variant ("Unknown type 14")).
- QHl is TZQuery
When I don't need the value as a Variant and want only to test it against Null, I can use the field's IsNull property. This method doesn't generate an error.