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by guidoaerts
06.09.2011, 16:52
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Sql error
Replies: 6
Views: 1152

I tried this with Firebird, works ok.
Except that I use zquery.fieldbyname() in stead of persistent fields. But that shouldn't be a problem.
by guidoaerts
01.09.2011, 08:58
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Sql error
Replies: 6
Views: 1152

maybe you better put the variable in a param

zquery1.sql.add ('select * from quotes where usuario_id = :yourparam');
zquery1.parambyname('yourparam').value := zquery2usuario_id.asinteger;

by guidoaerts
05.08.2011, 12:28
Forum: ZDBC (ZEOS Database Connectivity)
Topic: return dataset
Replies: 1
Views: 1829

in unit1 you are assigning the result of p.q to ds.Dataset, and in p.q you assign qu to ds.dataset, but then q returns without result assigned.
maybe it works better if you replace in unit2


with :

result := qu;

by guidoaerts
03.08.2011, 16:36
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Error to do Update, using the same ZConnection in a While
Replies: 6
Views: 804

Well with me it works fine wether I add the properties or not. Maybe it is related to fb1.5.
Concerning hard and soft commit, I suggest you read this: ... sage/34797

(Helen is/was(?) member of the development group of firebird.)
by guidoaerts
02.08.2011, 16:01
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Error to do Update, using the same ZConnection in a While
Replies: 6
Views: 804

JavaPauloMG, i copied your code into a new app in delphi5, with zeos665-stable on winxp sp2 with a fb2.1 database. it works ok, without error!
by guidoaerts
01.08.2011, 22:38
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Error to do Update, using the same ZConnection in a While
Replies: 6
Views: 804

don't know, but after I always do query.first to locate cursor on first record. don't know if creates cursor in zreadonlyquery...
(just found out that lazarus; fpc 2.2.4 and zeos 6.6.6-stable gives problems with 'bookmarks'... will report later)
by guidoaerts
28.07.2011, 14:19
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Blob stream out of memory.
Replies: 2
Views: 1427

Maximum blob size is (according to Operation Guide):
1Kb page size => 64 Mb
2Kb page size => 512 Mb
4Kb page size => 4 Gb
8Kb page size => 32 Gb

so, if you want to load larger blobs, adjust the page size of your fb database.
by guidoaerts
27.07.2011, 18:23
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Smart refresh using zeos components
Replies: 20
Views: 5041

sorry if i am wrong, but i thought that the difference between the ztable and zquery is that ztable fetches the whole table, and zquery just the 'queried' resultset ?
by guidoaerts
27.07.2011, 18:05
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: mysql5 and zeos 6.6: keep connection alive?
Replies: 2
Views: 1738

try setting the option : MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
then there would be something like a persistent connection to mysql, but i dont know if zeos supports it.
by guidoaerts
23.07.2011, 12:06
Forum: ZDBC (ZEOS Database Connectivity)
Topic: MySQL SSL connection
Replies: 2
Views: 2029

certificates (.pem files) have to be generated and signed with a program like openssl. essentially it is the same as used with https in browsers, where the certificates are mostly installed together with the application

by guidoaerts
24.12.2010, 15:53
Forum: ZDBC (ZEOS Database Connectivity)
Topic: ConnectionIsNotAssigned
Replies: 5
Views: 2381

Hi Mark, this is from my lpr file: program project1; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads} cthreads, {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} Interfaces, // this includes the LCL widgetset Forms { you can add units after this }, MainformUnit, LResources, zcomponent, persoonsgegevenswijzigenunit, OgmBoe...
by guidoaerts
17.12.2010, 11:41
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Lazarus + Zeos 6.6.6-stable
Replies: 5
Views: 1234

Hi Darkbow, First of all, why not the latest lazarus version? As I have no experience on linux or so, I can only give some tips on windows. Both 6.6.5 abd 6.6.6 should install. For Lazarus it is preferable that your username/profilename contains no spaces. And if you have for example an ampersand (&...
by guidoaerts
17.12.2010, 11:26
Forum: ZDBC (ZEOS Database Connectivity)
Topic: ConnectionIsNotAssigned
Replies: 5
Views: 2381

Hi Mark, In runtime, I have the TZConnection on the MainForm, connected and well, when I try to create another form with the TZQuery, which uses the Mainform.ZConnection. For reason of the creation order, I tried shuffling with the objects in the .lfm of the new form, but that didn't help. Do you th...
by guidoaerts
14.12.2010, 19:28
Forum: ZDBC (ZEOS Database Connectivity)
Topic: ConnectionIsNotAssigned
Replies: 5
Views: 2381


I have this strange behaviour in lazarus fpc 2.2.2 on winxpsp2: a TZquery (zeos6.6.6) on a form with the Connection property assigned in designtime, raising an exception in the form.create : procedure TZAbstractRODataset.CheckConnected; begin if Connection = nil then raise EZDatabaseError.C...
by guidoaerts
15.11.2010, 14:48
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySQL v5 and SSL connection
Replies: 8
Views: 1815

No, there isn't. If you are in charge of the server, you can use stunnel (opensource, easy). Or openssl (opensource, not so easy). There is also lNet for lazarus. Guido CORRECTION : yes there is (sorry!) : Properties.Strings = ( 'MYSQL_SSL=TRUE' 'MYSQL_SSL_CA=D:/mysql/certs/ca-cert.pem' 'MYSQL_SSL_C...