Search found 42 matches

by silvioprog
20.05.2010, 06:39
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Query problems Zeos 6.6.6, Lazarus & Firebird
Replies: 16
Views: 2152

christensen, you will use embedded database? If not, please uses protocol firebird-2.1.

Protocol firebirdd (with two d) is to embedded database.
by silvioprog
19.05.2010, 04:49
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Query problems Zeos 6.6.6, Lazarus & Firebird
Replies: 16
Views: 2152

Então cara, foi justamente o que falei. Mas não sei pq ele me mostrou o link dos docs do Fb. :? Como uso tradutor e não tive certeza do que falei, coloquei a observação que uso o Pg. (Usei o Fb por mais ou menos um ano, não tenho 100% de certeza). Acho que vai funcionar para o christensen, o problem...
by silvioprog
18.05.2010, 22:01
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Query problems Zeos 6.6.6, Lazarus & Firebird
Replies: 16
Views: 2152

christensen , ...Protocol := 'firebird-2.1'; // To Fb no embedded. Copy fbclient.dll to your .exe dir, or system32 dir. To more samples: (to Lazarus, here in forum has to Delphi) guidoaerts , I do not understand what you want (I use a transla...
by silvioprog
18.05.2010, 15:48
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Query problems Zeos 6.6.6, Lazarus & Firebird
Replies: 16
Views: 2152

Double quote ("1") mark in integer field, this works? I uses ('1').

Other error: NAME. Use ANOTHER_NAME, name is primitive type in Fb. :wink:
by silvioprog
18.05.2010, 14:28
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

I think it would be necessary to use PQnoticeReceiver : ( ) I'm not have sure if thi...
by silvioprog
18.05.2010, 06:48
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

I bring more information. I tested from pgAdmin on Linux ( Ubuntu ), and PostgreDAC on Windows ( XP ), when I executed in pgAdmin , imediately is listed in memo of my Delphi test. Please, see in this picture: To ZPgEventAlerter work identical to PosgreDAC , I have to be run...
by silvioprog
18.05.2010, 06:30
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

Hm, there is a small problem, ZPgEventAlerter not listing the events issued by another application (e.g, a event emited from pgAdmin III). :( I compared with PostgreDAC (for Delphi ): I will try to resolve this problem, and...
by silvioprog
17.05.2010, 20:47
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

Friends, I tested ZPgEventAlerter in FPC-2.4.0-2 / Laz-0.9.29 (current SVN version) / (Win32[WindowsXP] / Linux[Ubuntu-10:04] / Zeos-6.6.6-stable/Pg-8.4.3 ) , it worked perfectly well. Now I'll try to compile with Zeos7 (current SVN version), when I have some something new, I return again. :wink: Th...
by silvioprog
16.05.2010, 17:47
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

Ok, thanks for the contribution! :)
by silvioprog
16.05.2010, 12:12
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

I managed to work in Lazarus (in attached). I'm interested to see this component working with Zeos7.

(Please, no see my english :oops: )
by silvioprog
16.05.2010, 10:41
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5286

Please, this component will not have a version for Lazarus?
I need a lot of one component to notify events of Pg (but to Lazarus).
by silvioprog
14.04.2010, 00:27
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: When we will have Zeos 7 stable?
Replies: 3
Views: 23536

Hellow Mark, The Zeos7 (SVN) is very stable for me with PostgreSQL on Lazarus. One person asked me about the Zeos7 stable, here in a group about Lazarus in Brazil, so I came and asked in the forum. :roll: Before I was using Delphi7, but I migrated to Linux. I'm liking of the Lazarus, more than the D...
by silvioprog
09.04.2010, 00:41
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: When we will have Zeos 7 stable?
Replies: 3
Views: 23536

When we will have Zeos 7 stable?

Hello friends,

There is a forecast of when we will have Zeos7 stable? Is there any link for me to follow it? :?:
by silvioprog
14.03.2010, 19:59
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [bug_fixed] AV when PostgreSQL server connection lost
Replies: 18
Views: 1698

Hellow Mark (and all ;) )

:thx: you for providing the link to the bug report.[²] :up: