Search found 107 matches

by louis
08.01.2013, 11:00
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [solved] Firebird 2.1 + Delphi2010 = EVariantTypeCastError
Replies: 3
Views: 2208

[solved] Firebird 2.1 + Delphi2010 = EVariantTypeCastError

Hi, In lookup Field, if LookupKeyFields Field Type differs of LookupResultField Field Type I have the error in subject (in the test project: TSmallIntField vs TWideStringField). If Field Type are the same (TWideStringField vs TWideStringField), no errors occur! I attack a test project. There a solut...
by louis
19.11.2010, 19:19
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [FB2.1]Master-Detail and correct usage of Foreign Key
Replies: 3
Views: 775

delphi2pk wrote:Before applying updateds disablecontrols from both queries and enable it again after comitting.
Thanks a lot, seems to work correctly.
by louis
03.11.2010, 19:30
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: what is doAlwaysDetailResync Options
Replies: 1
Views: 528

Re: what is doAlwaysDetailResync Options

louis wrote:Can Someone explain me, please?
I learn on this tutorial
If this option is set then the resultset of the detail is only refreshed when post is called or a record changes (both within master DataSet)
by louis
03.11.2010, 19:25
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [FB2.1]Master-Detail and correct usage of Foreign Key
Replies: 3
Views: 775

Re: [FB2.1]Master-Detail and correct usage of Foreign Key

louis wrote:What is the correct usage of Foreign Key on ZeosLib?
I used correctly but the is a bug on Master/Detail that losts detail on applyUpdates, see
by louis
03.11.2010, 19:22
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [FB] Master/Detail has a bug (view mantis #185)
Replies: 0
Views: 544

[FB] Master/Detail has a bug (view mantis #185)

from long time there is a bug on master/detail that losts detail, view at
Someone use master/detail?
Which workaround uses?
by louis
02.11.2010, 18:20
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?
Replies: 2
Views: 729

Re: [D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?

I seem to have solved the problem by reversing the instructions above with what follows: ZQuery1.OnBeforePost: <-- Master begin ZQuery3.ApplayUpdates; <--SubDetail ZQuery2.ApplayUpdates; <-- Detail end; I add Foreign key constraint on Detail referring to primary key on Master. Now when I try ZQuery...
by louis
02.11.2010, 12:45
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [FB2.1]Master-Detail and correct usage of Foreign Key
Replies: 3
Views: 775

[FB2.1]Master-Detail and correct usage of Foreign Key

Hallo, I have this scenario: Master-Detail Master have CachedUpdates = False Detail Have CachedUpdate = True On Master.BeforePost I do Detail.ApplyUpdates and works Ok. I tried to understand usage of Foreign key and I add a Foreign Key on table Detail that refer on primary key of Master. But, now wh...
by louis
02.11.2010, 11:55
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: what is doAlwaysDetailResync Options
Replies: 1
Views: 528

what is doAlwaysDetailResync Options

I use FB 2.1.
I try to understand what is doAlwaysDetailResync Options.

Can Someone explain me, please?

by louis
21.09.2010, 11:00
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?
Replies: 2
Views: 729

Re: [D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?

I applay Updates on ZQuery1.BeforePost: ZQuery2.ApplayUpdates and ZQuery3.ApplayUpdates. I seem to have solved the problem by reversing the instructions above with what follows: ZQuery1.OnBeforePost: <-- Master begin ZQuery3.ApplayUpdates; <--SubDetail ZQuery2.ApplayUpdates; <-- Detail end; But, it...
by louis
20.09.2010, 14:22
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?
Replies: 2
Views: 729

[D5][FB] ZQuery SubDetail and CachedUpdates fails?

Hallo, I have this scenario: - ZConnection1, set AutoCommit=True; - ZQuery1, Master, set to CachedUpdates = False; - ZQuery2, Detail, set to: CachedUpdates = True; DataSource = ZQuery1; - ZQuery3, SubDetail, set to: CachedUpdates = True; DataSource = ZQuery2. All ZQuery.Connection = ZConnection1; I ...
by louis
20.09.2010, 11:22
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: FB and ZConnection, One per DataModule or One per Applicatio
Replies: 3
Views: 556

When you use One connection per App, connection overhead is smallest and all querys are handled one by one using one transaction. Mark Ok. I understand that if I start a transaction like Conn.StartTransaction the property AutoCommit becomes False and viceversa? I have - One connection per App with ...
by louis
19.09.2010, 11:37
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: FB and ZConnection, One per DataModule or One per Applicatio
Replies: 3
Views: 556

FB and ZConnection, One per DataModule or One per Applicatio

Hallo, I try to understanding usage of TZConnection. Is usefull use One TZConnection per DataModule or One TZConnection per Application what is the difference from the two way? I try to develop an application with more (like 50) DataModule. Any of this DataModule have a lot of TZQuery. Thanks, Luigi
by louis
19.09.2010, 11:28
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Wath is DesignConnection property?
Replies: 1
Views: 904

Wath is DesignConnection property?

I try to use ZeosLib on D5.

I ask you to understand usage of DesignConnection property.

by louis
03.02.2009, 16:12
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: SQL Error: conversion error from string "0"
Replies: 2
Views: 2641

... Please attach a minimal project showing the error and the script needed to set up the database. Hi Mark, while I prepared the example I have uncovered where I mistook. :oops: During create table in database I assigned wrong default, see wrong code: CREATE TABLE CEDOLINI ( ID_CEDOLINO Integer NO...
by louis
03.02.2009, 10:18
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: SQL Error: conversion error from string "0"
Replies: 2
Views: 2641

SQL Error: conversion error from string "0"

Hallo, I have this error message: SQL Error: conversione error from string "0". Error Code: -413. Overflow occurred during datatype conversion. I use delphi 5 with zeos 6.6.4. I need to use a TTimeField that can have 0.00 time inside but when I try to save the query, I have the error above...