Search found 107 matches

by louis
28.04.2021, 13:46
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Best/Right approch for master/Detail
Replies: 19
Views: 731

Re: Best/Right approch for master/Detail

Please don't use cached updates. Use a transaction instead. Can I have a little example of use transaction instead a CachedUpdates? Normally I have few master records with large details per single master row. CachedUpdates will not combine the updates into one query. It will just generate a lot of ...
by louis
28.04.2021, 13:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Column Date and Validating issue
Replies: 8
Views: 373

Re: Column Date and Validating issue

marsupilami wrote: 27.04.2021, 21:07 I think, it really depends on the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.Value when that happens. What is the value of ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE in the database?
The value is entered via the keyboard, example: "27/04/2021".
Do you use firebird or interbase as the protocol?

by louis
27.04.2021, 15:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Best/Right approch for master/Detail
Replies: 19
Views: 731

Best/Right approch for master/Detail

Hello, Until today, with Zeos 7.2.0b, I programmed a master/Detail scenario using only with "DataSource" property of detail ZQuery and manually I managed alla statements to Post, Delete, Cancel without any automatism managed by Zeos code. Now due to larges modify made by version 8.0 the ap...
by louis
27.04.2021, 14:57
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Column Date and Validating issue
Replies: 8
Views: 373

Column Date and Validating issue

Hello, I try to upgrade my application from Zeos 7.2.0b to 8.0.0-r7490. This code present in the OnValidate event of the column DATA_REGISTRAZIONE: procedure TForm11.ztbDocTestaDATA_REGISTRAZIONEValidate(Sender: TField); begin zquery1DATA_DOCUMENTO.Value := ZQuery1DATA_REGISTRAZIONE.Value; end; I ob...
by louis
26.04.2021, 14:22
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Re: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB

Forgive me , I found the mistake, my mistake! The problem was not the parameter of type "TDate" but another parameter (DT.NUMERO = :Numero) of type "String" but passed for "Integer" even if the error came out only deleting the line of code: query1.Params.ParamByName('D...
by louis
26.04.2021, 11:50
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Re: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB

Hello marsupilani,
both column are defined as "DATE":

in table AZIENDA, the column is defined as:
in table DOC_TESTA, the column is defined as:
The only different is that AZIENDA.DECORRENZA is PRIMARY KEY

Database is on a Dialect 3.

by louis
26.04.2021, 09:46
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Re: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB

by louis
26.04.2021, 08:48
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB
Replies: 5
Views: 191

Passing AsDate := StrToDate('01/03/2021') param results in -303 error with FB

Hello, I try to update my application from Zeos 7.2.0b to new 8.0.0 but I have first trouble. I have this query: UPDATE DOC_FE DFE SET DFE.STATO = :Stato WHERE DFE.STATO < :Stato AND DFE.DOC_TESTA_ID = (SELECT DT.ID FROM DOC_TESTA DT, TIPO_DOCUMENTI TD WHERE DT.DOCUMENTO_ID = TD.ID AND TD.DESCRIZION...
by louis
24.04.2021, 11:33
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows
Replies: 11
Views: 450

Re: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows

marsupilami wrote: 24.04.2021, 08:30 Usually I would use find and replace in the dfm files to just change the type information.
Do you mean:
1) view as text
2) search and replace?

Zeos8 is usable in production?

by louis
23.04.2021, 18:03
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows
Replies: 11
Views: 450

Re: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows

For me, it takes 5 seconds for 1 million iterations(without crHourGlass) Zeos8 svn7460; Firebird-; Delphi 10.3.3-Win32 on Win10-64 :) I have a problem to install Zeos8 because in this project I need to replace hundred of TFloatField to TBCDField but those TFloatField often have a V...
by louis
23.04.2021, 15:28
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows
Replies: 11
Views: 450

Re: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows

marsupilami wrote: 23.04.2021, 13:53If you didn't disable the SQLHourglass cursor on the connection, try the following code:
Takes more than 1 second longer :(

by louis
23.04.2021, 12:03
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows
Replies: 11
Views: 450

Re: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows

You could try to see what happens when you use the Zeos 8.0 Beta. At a moment I cant try with this version, :( t also really depends on the data that is loaded into the dataset. Data fields are: Integer x 2 Smallint x 7 Char(29) x 2, Char(4) x 1, Char(2) x 1, Varchar(480) x 1, Varchar(10) x 1, Varc...
by louis
23.04.2021, 09:49
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows
Replies: 11
Views: 450

TZAbstractDataSet too slow to iterate 7668 rows

This code, with Delphi 2010 and FB 2.5.9, takes 11 seconds to complete: begin Cursore := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; Result := 0; bmBookmark := ADataSet.GetBookmark; ADataSet.DisableControls; try ADataSet.First; while (not ADataSet.Eof) do begin if (ADataSet.FieldByName(AField).AsIn...
by louis
17.05.2019, 14:05
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Type mismatch expecting: Currency actual: extended
Replies: 9
Views: 2766

Re: Type mismatch expecting: Currency actual: extended

marsupilami wrote:it seems that EgonHugeist checked in a solution. Could you please check if the problem is solved in the current 7.2-testing branch on SVN?
Ok, now in both cases I get a field of type TExtendedField.

But, why, in Zeos, is not safe to use TCurrencyFields?


by louis
14.05.2019, 11:46
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Type mismatch for field 'xx' expecting: Float actual Extended
Replies: 5
Views: 1188

Re: Type mismatch for field 'xx' expecting: Float actual Extended

when I remove it and readd it will stay same type TFloatField ... we had to revert it, i'll check it again this week Have a look for this topic . I've got the same problem updating from Zeos 7.2.0b to 7.2.4-stable. I get TFloatField in o...