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by willianjhonnes
26.06.2008, 12:34
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6136

Hi, Mark... It's me again. I'd tried your issue and it works! Thank you. But I had the same problem trying to access my stored procedures in MySQL and PostgreSQL too!!! In design time, trying to get the procedures names in the object inspector, the ZStoredProc returns the "Unsupported operation...
by willianjhonnes
25.06.2008, 21:39
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6136

Mark, thank you...

I'll try your issue, but, wouldn't it affect the response performance?
I'm affraid because I have almost 2,000,000 customers in my base...

Once again...
by willianjhonnes
25.06.2008, 13:54
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6136

Hi Mark, thank you for the invitation... But, let me learn some more about the Zeoslib before... (hehehe) Well, sorry about my ignorance about it (and my poor english too), but I didn't understand how I can make a stored function be called in a simple ZQuery object, because in PL/SQL we must use ass...
by willianjhonnes
24.06.2008, 20:31
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6136

Hello, gto... Here is a sample code of my app: *********** BEGIN OF SAMPLE CODE *********** procedure TFFID028.proExecProcedure; begin with spRelatorio do begin Close; if eProtocolo.Text <> '' then ParamByName('NRPROTOCOLO').AsString := eProtocolo.Text else ParamByName('NRPROTOCOLO').AsString := 'N'...
by willianjhonnes
24.06.2008, 18:27
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6136

[patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures

Hi guys... I'm developping a cross plataform application with Zeos 6.6.2-rc in Lazarus / Kylix / Delphi using a Oracle XE database, but I can't do it work. I created some stored procedures in database, but when I try to execute any one, the message "Unsupported operation" is returned... Us...