Search found 27 matches

by Soner
09.12.2018, 16:42
Forum: Lazarus / Freepascal
Topic: How to get for cacheddataset oldvalue from specific row?
Replies: 3
Views: 1358

How to get for cacheddataset oldvalue from specific row?

I want indicate in a dbgrid edited and inserted values with red color. 1) I created this function . It is working good, except the user changes sorting client side. (User clicks on column title and programm adds to zq...
by Soner
17.09.2018, 21:51
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?
Replies: 3
Views: 898

Re: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?

If someone interested I found better way. Add this to ZDbcCachedResultSet.pas: function TZAbstractCachedResultSet.GetOldValAsString(ARecNo, AColumnIndex: Integer; var AIsNull: Boolean): String; //20180917 soner for oldvalue var aIndex: Integer; aOldRowAccessor: TZRowAccessor; begin CheckClosed; if (...
by Soner
17.09.2018, 20:55
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?
Replies: 3
Views: 898

Re: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?

I think I found one bug and the reason for incorrect oldvalues. Look my comments in this code.: // from ZDbcCachedResultSet.pas procedure TZAbstractCachedResultSet.MoveToInitialRow; var Index: Integer; begin CheckClosed; if (RowNo >= 1) and (RowNo <= LastRowNo) and (FSelectedRow <> nil) then begin I...
by Soner
17.09.2018, 14:57
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?
Replies: 3
Views: 898

Re: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?

Or I don't really need the old value. Is there any way to detect if the field is changed for chachedupdates?
I want indicate changed values in TDBGrid.
by Soner
17.09.2018, 14:43
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?
Replies: 3
Views: 898

Is TField.OldValue not supported for cachedupdates?

When I set TZQuery.CachedUpdates to true then TField.OldValue returns incorrect values. Is it not supported for cachedupdates?
I use Lazarus 1.8.5 fpc 3.0.4. and sqlite
Same result with Turbo Delphi and Firebird-DB.

I put one example for lazarus and one for turbo delphi.
by Soner
21.08.2018, 12:02
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: How can I check if connection is active?
Replies: 7
Views: 2609

Re: How can I check if connection is active?

This problem is resolved with version 7.2.4. If someone wants to check if firebird-server is available then use ping-funcktion like this: if ZConnection1.Ping then Writeln('Connection exists'); //ZConnection1.Connected is true, even when connection lost. (Only tested with Firebird 2.5, Windows)
by Soner
21.08.2018, 11:47
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: (RESOLVED)Where is the function for changed field?
Replies: 2
Views: 1204

Re: (RESOLVED)Where is the function for changed field?

No thanks. I updated my zeos to version 7.2.4 now and I saw you took the code from above in the library. Your are great boys, thanks.
Sorry for late answer.
by Soner
26.02.2018, 18:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: (RESOLVED)Where is the function for changed field?
Replies: 2
Views: 1204

(RESOLVED)Where is the function for changed field?

Hello, I am using cachedupdates with TZQuery. I have in my query one fkinternalcalc-Field and I am using this as variable for one data row. I had to change some code to take values for fkinternalcalc-Fields like this: // Don't take it now to ZEOS-Library it must be tested, // maybe can cause problem...
by Soner
28.09.2017, 12:21
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: How can I check if connection is active?
Replies: 7
Views: 2609

How can I check if connection is active?

Hello, in my program I have active TZConnection with Firebird datebase, then I connect with TFBAdmin to the Database server to change password from other user. When I do this TZConnection looses the connection, but the program does not know about it, ZConnection1.Connected is true and ZConnection1.P...
by Soner
19.06.2017, 17:35
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Size of strings again
Replies: 2
Views: 493

Re: Size of strings again

Thanks for the explanation.
Now I chose third way, I read the charakter lenth once then set in in controls (i.e. TDBEdit.MaxLength).
Best wishes.
by Soner
16.06.2017, 20:21
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Size of strings again
Replies: 2
Views: 493

Size of strings again

Hello, first I read this: I think TField.Size can be used for character length. TField.DataSize can be used for needed bytes to save. Here is informations from emba and fpc.
by Soner
12.02.2017, 17:09
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Calling of UpdatesPending at DoBeforeClose causes Error
Replies: 1
Views: 338

Calling of UpdatesPending at DoBeforeClose causes Error

Hello, Calling of TZQuery.UpdatesPending at TZQuery.DoBeforeClose causes Error(listindex-error), here is the solution: ZDbcCachedResultSet.pas function TZAbstractCachedResultSet.IsPendingUpdates: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FInitialRowsList) and (FInitialRowsList.Count > 0); //Original: Result...