Search found 8 matches

by rpelisson
22.11.2006, 20:35
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Problem with DisableControls
Replies: 2
Views: 3251

Oops, I found a solution for myself. I modify the method ApplyUpdates in ZAbstractDataSet.pas see commented lines procedure TZAbstractDataset.ApplyUpdates; begin if not Active then Exit; Connection.ShowSQLHourGlass; try if State in [dsEdit, dsInsert] then Post; if CachedResultSet <> nil then CachedR...
by rpelisson
22.11.2006, 20:31
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Problem with NewValue and OldValue
Replies: 3
Views: 3232


Oppsss, ok !

I'm post in english...

by rpelisson
22.11.2006, 18:18
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Propertie for GetMetadata for the fields
Replies: 3
Views: 1922

Propertie for GetMetadata for the fields

Hello, I'm downloaded the ZeosDBO 6.6 and saw the compilation directive FOSNOMETA for yes or don't use Metadata commands for retrieve Fields Defs from the DataBase. Here, in the company we face a lot of problems with access speed from the clients to the server. Each SQL comand executed from the ZQue...
by rpelisson
22.11.2006, 18:04
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Problem with NewValue and OldValue
Replies: 3
Views: 3232

Problem with NewValue and OldValue

Hi ! When I'm using them command NewValue for verify the OldValue for the Field, the returned value from NewValue it's different of write. Example, in a table PARCELAS exists a record with this fields: DUPLICATA: 000001 VENCIMENTO: 20/01/2005 If I want to verify, on a event TDBGrid.OnColExit if the ...
by rpelisson
22.11.2006, 17:55
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Problem with DisableControls
Replies: 2
Views: 3251

Problem with DisableControls

Hello there! Sorry my bad english... I'm using a DisableControls with a ZQuery or ZReadOnlyQuery, the cursor of DataSet stay freak. Example: The Query returned 5 rows and in a loop command from the first to the last record, using DisableControls command. The cursor stay freak, it's pass for record n...
by rpelisson
04.08.2006, 15:41
Forum: User Patches
Topic: New properties for use in TSqlProcessor
Replies: 0
Views: 1503

New properties for use in TSqlProcessor

This properties, I was created for use in multiples files scripts or long scripts in MS-SQL, with the option for create a LogFile errors.

- Added property BreakOnException (for execute a SQL Scripts without stop)
- Added property ErrorLogFile (More used when the propertie BreakOnException is True)
by rpelisson
04.08.2006, 15:35
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Fixed command "set quoted_identifier on" in MS-SQL
Replies: 1
Views: 1460

Fixed command "set quoted_identifier on" in MS-SQL

The ZConnection using a fixed command for the parameter quoted_identifier in MS-SQL In the servers with SQL Server 2000 this is working with succes, but in MS-SQL 7.0 what use almost commands using double quotes generate a SQL error and not was executed. The new propertie for ZConnection solve this ...
by rpelisson
04.08.2006, 15:21
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Error Recording Blob Fields with TDBRichText formated
Replies: 0
Views: 1319

Error Recording Blob Fields with TDBRichText formated

I was found a error, trying to record Blob Fields with TDBRichText formated in MS-SQL.

While debug the unit ZDbcDbLibUtils, I see the #0 in the final field value wasn't removed.

See the attachment