Search found 35 matches

by Ðerek wildstar
29.03.2012, 19:49
Forum: Sybase ASE
Topic: Sybase Stored Procedure w/ output parameters does not work
Replies: 3
Views: 4798

More information: The problem is that the on the second call the params are being cleared. But why this is done? procedure TZAbstractRODataset.ExecSQL; begin CheckConnected; Connection.ShowSQLHourGlass; try if Active then Close; CheckSQLQuery; CheckInactive; if (Statement = nil) or (Statement.GetCon...
by Ðerek wildstar
26.03.2012, 22:39
Forum: Sybase ASE
Topic: Sybase Stored Procedure w/ output parameters does not work
Replies: 3
Views: 4798

A new information: This error occurs on the second time I run TZStoredProc.ExecProc. Very strange error. first time: STPRModuloPorMenu.ParamByName('@pNomeMenu').AsString := 'carlos'; STPRModuloPorMenu.ExecProc; No error! Second time: STPRModuloPorMenu.ParamByName('@pNomeMenu').AsString := 'carlos'; ...
by Ðerek wildstar
26.03.2012, 22:16
Forum: Sybase ASE
Topic: Sybase Stored Procedure w/ output parameters does not work
Replies: 3
Views: 4798

Sybase Stored Procedure w/ output parameters does not work

Hello! I'm having trouble running a procedure (TZStoredProc) that contains two output parameters. The error occurs exactly in the parameters, see: Procedure expects parameter @ p_modulo_por_menu pCodModulo, Which was not supplied. Procedure expects parameter @ p_modulo_por_menu pNomeModulo, Which wa...
by Ðerek wildstar
03.02.2012, 03:27
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753


My tests were done on the test branch. This branch has the problem or not? I'm using Delphi XE
by Ðerek wildstar
28.01.2012, 01:44
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Now I am ready to correct this behavior, I'm not sure if it really is necessary. A default value is usually a static value. For a column associated with a sequence in PostGres what should be returned? If I return the NEXTVAL (currently happening) I get a unique number, however, this affects the valu...
by Ðerek wildstar
02.01.2012, 17:35
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753


No problem.

I'll do it as soon as possible.
by Ðerek wildstar
02.01.2012, 14:01
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

This patch is only for Postgres. This applies to you? If yes, I do not know why it would break your software, since it only applies to option "doCalcDefaults " and not "AutoGenerateValues". Even so, the patch is applied to testing branch and only after this the correction will be...
by Ðerek wildstar
30.12.2011, 17:09
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Hi Thank you. I'll register to sourceforge and give you my info by PM!!
by Ðerek wildstar
30.12.2011, 16:35
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753


Sorry for the english: Hello Mark, how are you? It seems that you do not understand the problem completely. I totally agree that it is more an inconvenience than a bug, but it is an inconvenience that can be repaired. The sequences in Postgres work as any sequence of any database, ie, increasing 1 o...
by Ðerek wildstar
22.12.2011, 13:13
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Yes. That's the problem. On error, the persistent field try to get the default value, and so the sequence is executed! SELECT DEFAULTVALUE translates into SELECT NEXTVAL('SEQUENCENAME') but would be SELECT CURRVAL('SEQUENCENAME'). This is a special case for the postgres database and auto increment f...
by Ðerek wildstar
21.12.2011, 17:39
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Since the day of first post of this thread i could not reproduce the error anymore, but I guess it's simple 1 TZConnection (autocommit = true) 1 TZQuery 1 TDataSource 1 TZUpdateSQL 1 TDBGrid 1 TDBNavigator 1 Postgres Database 1. Configure and link everything 2. Keep the doCalcDefaults of the TZQuery...
by Ðerek wildstar
19.12.2011, 19:23
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Não percebi se isso acontece sempre ou só da primeira vez.

Estou usando Delphi XE


I do not know if this happens only first time or always.

I'm using Delphi XE
by Ðerek wildstar
19.12.2011, 13:31
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753


Can you post a small example of your problem (with database) here? A example will make my life more easy :) Oi "papelhigienico" (!) Na verdade já coloquei toda informação aqui. Não há mais nada para exemplificar. A funcionalidade ativada com a opção "doCalcDefaults" faz com que ...
by Ðerek wildstar
18.12.2011, 17:53
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Postgres + doCalcDefaults + Bigserial Column = 2 on 2 seq.!
Replies: 27
Views: 7753

Hello Mark, thanks for the answer. Here comes more informations... In PostGres the BIGSERIAL type is lika an alias for a BIGINT column with a automatically generated default value of something like "nextval('sequencename'::regclass)". More detailed: After execute the following DDL create t...
by Ðerek wildstar
18.12.2011, 16:19
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: How to Handle AutoIncs (or SERIALS in Postgres)
Replies: 3
Views: 750

I've done a test with the TZSequence. Using it, my autoinc field (bigserial) is increased 2 times. So, i guess, this component can only be used on fields with no sequence attached, with the intent of apply a autoinc on ANY field but the true Database (PG) Autoinc field