Search found 14 matches

by gelinp
10.12.2016, 08:53
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: 0 record(s) updated. Only one record should have been update
Replies: 0
Views: 1329

0 record(s) updated. Only one record should have been update

Hi, I'm using : - zeoslib 7.2 with protocol mysql-5 - mysql server version 5.5.53-0+deb8u1 (Debian)) - Lazarus 1.6 - Linux debian. I've got an error message : 0 record(s) updated. Only one record should have been update when I write a string into my Database with zeoslib. I find out that it is raise...
by gelinp
07.11.2016, 20:38
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: SQL syntax with variables...
Replies: 5
Views: 1171

Re: SQL syntax with variables...

Finally, this last version do the job : procedure TZQueryClassesAdaptateur.SynchronizeApresSupression; var OldSQL: String; VueGDText, SQLText : String; begin try with _query do begin OldSQL := SQL.Text; VueGDText := '(SELECT gauche AS seq_number, idplan FROM DOCClassements ' + 'UNION SELECT droit AS...
by gelinp
07.11.2016, 12:05
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: SQL syntax with variables...
Replies: 5
Views: 1171

Re: SQL syntax with variables...

Ok, thank you for your response :-) So I understand I have to try master/detail query. Whay not ! I will try this evening... Do you know if zeoslib will suport views later ? I downloaded a PDF documentation but there is a lot of paragraph to write again... Do you know if defaults lazarus dabase comp...
by gelinp
06.11.2016, 20:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: [SOLVED] SQL Syntax not the same with TZQuery component interface and source code property...
Replies: 2
Views: 490

Re: SQL Syntax not the same with TZQuery component interface and source code property...

Sorry, you are write § Now I can't see any else !!! May be I confused with another one error... It's better kile this, I was disappointed to add a lot of this stuff...

Thanks anyway ! And sorry again...
by gelinp
06.11.2016, 18:59
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: SQL syntax with variables...
Replies: 5
Views: 1171

SQL syntax with variables...

Hi, I've got a complicated query with MySQL. I tried a lot of syntax but nothing work... This is the last state of my query : procedure TZQueryClassesAdaptateur.SynchronizeApresSupression; var OldSQL: String; sqltxt : String; begin try with _query do begin OldSQL := SQL.Text; SQL.Clear; sqltxt := 'S...
by gelinp
06.11.2016, 08:02
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: [SOLVED] SQL Syntax not the same with TZQuery component interface and source code property...
Replies: 2
Views: 490

[SOLVED] SQL Syntax not the same with TZQuery component interface and source code property...

Hi, I'm using Lazarus 1.6 with Free Pascal 3.0 and MySQL server version: 5.5.52-0+deb8u1 (Debian) for my database. I remark that when I use graphical TZQuery component to prototype my application I can set SQL property with natural SQL syntax like : SELECT * FROM DOCClassements WHERE idplan = :idpla...
by gelinp
20.10.2016, 05:19
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: How to delete all records from a dataset selection ?
Replies: 1
Views: 1213

How to delete all records from a dataset selection ?

Hi, I know method Delete from Dataset to delete current record in a dataset. But if I want to delete all records from a SELECT * FROM <table> WHERE <condition> statment, how do you do ? I doesn't want to iterate with Locate method, I would like to call only one Delete method from the dataset wich se...
by gelinp
26.04.2016, 19:05
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: ApplyUpdate : SQL Error: SQL logic error or missing database
Replies: 1
Views: 754

ApplyUpdate : SQL Error: SQL logic error or missing database

Hi, I ve got the code below to update a SQLite-3 database : procedure TFormMain.EnregistrerClick(Sender: TObject); begin try //Update enreg DataModule1.SQLEditSeance.ApplyUpdates; DataModule1.ZConnection2.Commit; except On E: EDatabaseError do begin MessageDlg('Erreur', 'EnregistrerClick::Erreur de ...
by gelinp
26.04.2016, 05:59
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated
Replies: 3
Views: 736

Re: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Hello marsupilami :-) A great thank to you, it was effectively the Metadata flags which was false that causes the readonly mode dataset . About documentation, the best I can read is on the web site . But there is no information about this metadata flag and there is a lot of chapter no...
by gelinp
25.04.2016, 05:45
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated
Replies: 3
Views: 736

Zeoslib 7.2 rc1 : All TDBEdit controls Readonly without Readonly activated

Hi, I'm rewriting a datamodule from SQLDB to ZEOSDB. I've got a problem into my form because all TDBEdit controls of a detail recordset (uniq table) are ReadOnly without to be activated as it ! And all my datasets looks connected and activated... It's not a multitable recordset, so it doesn't need t...
by gelinp
24.04.2016, 12:04
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZConnection, MSSQL, Windows Authentication, TDS
Replies: 28
Views: 5729

Re: TZConnection, MSSQL, Windows Authentication, TDS

I just checkouted with subversion last trunk 7.2 from sourceforge but same problem : Datasets are readonly ! Impossible to get it updatables... This the code used to checkout : svn checkout svn:// zeoslib-code-0 I'm using Lazarus 1.6, Free pascal 3.0, Linux debi...
by gelinp
09.01.2016, 07:09
Forum: Documentations
Topic: Problem compiling documentation with doxygen and pas2dox
Replies: 0
Views: 2534

Problem compiling documentation with doxygen and pas2dox

Hi, I followed indications from readme file to compile documentation with doxygen and pas2dox utilities. But there is a problem, the output folder ../doc was not created... I don't know the source of the problem. I lunched [zeoslib]/documentation/ script. There is no error from compi...
by gelinp
08.01.2016, 15:31
Forum: Documentations
Topic: doxygen compilation failed...
Replies: 0
Views: 2198

doxygen compilation failed...

Hi, I followed recomandations from ../zeos/documentation/doxygen_readme.txt file and downloaded Pas2dox too. The compilation with doxygen tool seems OK, but I can't find any ../doc directory with the documentation builded... Only I find documentation/html directory with an empty documentation... Cou...
by gelinp
11.11.2015, 19:56
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Problem with cross compilation for win32
Replies: 0
Views: 1263

Problem with cross compilation for win32

Hello, I'm using zeos components with lazarus 1.4 and Debian Jessie. I would like to cross compile my project using SQLite connexion, to win32 target. But I've got the error message : ZDbcAdo.pas(136,21) Fatal: Impossible de trouver l'unité ZDbcAdoMetaData utilisé par ZDbcAdo du paquet zdbc I tried ...