Search found 32 matches

by wahono
30.12.2008, 09:09
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Zeos 7 Alpha and Delphi 2009 Support - Official Thread
Replies: 97
Views: 28271

Hi, I will back to use (and hopefully can give contribute :) ) Zeoslib when Zeoslib implements unicode, I am interesting with many features of this library. I am user of MSEide (FPC) with fully implement UCS2 to all string in GUI text. I have some question about new Zeoslib features : 1) What is dat...
by wahono
11.04.2008, 17:32
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: Swith language ZeosLib at runtime
Replies: 1
Views: 22151

Swith language ZeosLib at runtime

Is it possible to switch language ZeosLib at runtime. My purpose is if my application use english, zeos use english too, if my app use indonesia, zeos use indonesia too, etc. If it is possible, how I can do it?

by wahono
11.04.2008, 02:29
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Error Column with name "Extra" not found => SOL
Replies: 6
Views: 2690

First time I use ZeosLib, I got this problem too. IMHO, you should rename libmysql.dll to libmysql51.dll. Maybe you have more than one MySQL Server with different version

by wahono
11.04.2008, 02:21
Forum: MySQL
Topic: The steps for transaction
Replies: 7
Views: 2167

Hi, Did first investigation. One of the involved factors seems to be the Transaction Level setting tiNone. When that setting is used Commit and Rollback are not sent to the server. (Trick to do this kind of tests : add a TZSQLMonitor to your project.) This will involve some more study, I'm afraid. ...
by wahono
09.04.2008, 22:08
Forum: MySQL
Topic: The steps for transaction
Replies: 7
Views: 2167

IMHO, TZConnection.ExecuteDirect seems like a function, which by the way, works very well, that would not respect the transactions. But if it came to support , no problem ;) I think query that is executed from anywhere, from tzquery or from tzstatement or from tzconnection.executedirect should can ...
by wahono
09.04.2008, 17:42
Forum: MySQL
Topic: The steps for transaction
Replies: 7
Views: 2167

When you try execute one of steps, than you click show data, it seems all of these steps is right. But you should close form and connect database again to see this effect.
by wahono
09.04.2008, 17:37
Forum: MySQL
Topic: The steps for transaction
Replies: 7
Views: 2167

All steps without error message, here is the test project.
by wahono
09.04.2008, 09:51
Forum: MySQL
Topic: The steps for transaction
Replies: 7
Views: 2167

The steps for transaction

I set zcon (TZConnection).autocommit=true. I try with 3 way to use transaction (database : MySQL 5.1, IDE : MSEgui, Lib Version : Last test trunk) 1. Record can append normally. zcon.starttransaction; zcon.executedirect('insert into salestrans (transid) values (''coba4'')'); zcon.commit; 2. Record c...
by wahono
07.04.2008, 09:34
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Support for FPC 2.3.1
Replies: 2
Views: 1026

Thanks, I am usually feel 20 years old. But currently was 31 years. :)

by wahono
05.04.2008, 08:08
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Support for FPC 2.3.1
Replies: 2
Views: 1026

[bug_fixed] Support for FPC 2.3.1

At the moment, I am using FPC 2.3.1 trunk. I think should add define for this version in (If I am not wrong) :)


by wahono
02.04.2008, 19:27
Forum: MySQL
Topic: How to get partial parsing of SQL
Replies: 3
Views: 1234

Thanks for your info, I will try it. My purpose is I want to get list of grouping field value from filtering tdataset. When we make filter for TZ*Query, I want to show list of field value that can be choose by user, so the value for filtered field is value from original resultset only (but grouped/u...
by wahono
31.03.2008, 20:26
Forum: MySQL
Topic: How to get partial parsing of SQL
Replies: 3
Views: 1234

How to get partial parsing of SQL

Is it possible to get partial parsing of SQL in TZQuery? For example I set SQL with SELECT * FROM product WHERE code LIKE '001%', I want to get "WHERE code='001'" from TZQuery.

by wahono
24.03.2008, 03:59
Forum: 6.1.5
Topic: Increasing memory usage with zeosdbo-6.1.5-stable, delphi 4
Replies: 5
Views: 2896

I have this problem too with MSEide and ZeosLib last trunk (Testing Branch). Memory increase every 4 kb, without another operasion, just move record with tdbnavigator.

Hi Mark, you can see it with dbnavigator, and move record more times, and you can see at task manager, memory is increased.

by wahono
13.03.2008, 04:06
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Activate again FPC support
Replies: 3
Views: 1335

In FPC 2.2.0 these property is exists. Thanks.
by wahono
12.03.2008, 09:36
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Activate again FPC support
Replies: 3
Views: 1335

[bug_fixed] Activate again FPC support

In unit ZAbstractRODataset.pas, class TZAbstractRODataset, there are two property with conditional compile to FPC is without these property : {$IFNDEF FPC} property BeforeRefresh; property AfterRefresh; {$ENDIF} But these property is exists in FPC, I think this conditional should be removed. wahono