Search found 29 matches

by bravecobra
02.04.2009, 23:03
Forum: MySQL
Topic: How can I detect a MySQL server that is unresponsive
Replies: 3
Views: 739

I use the PingServer functionality combined with a TTimer, just to keep the connection alive.
by bravecobra
02.03.2009, 23:20
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [patch_done] About Unicode and TStringField
Replies: 12
Views: 1827

This patch hasn't been applied to the testing branch as such? I see a Result := {$IFDEF DELPHI12_UP}ftWideString{$ELSE}ftString{$ENDIF}; , which no longer offers the choice to the user. I have code with persistent fields, which now gives an error (ftWideString <> ftString). Shouldn't we be building ...
by bravecobra
04.01.2009, 09:37
Forum: Documentations
Topic: First testing results
Replies: 1
Views: 4069

Update: The SVN url's in the scripts have been adjusted, so the automated doxygen generation has been restored.
by bravecobra
28.08.2007, 15:46
Forum: User Contributions
Topic: tiOPF MySQL support through Zeos
Replies: 0
Views: 2386

tiOPF MySQL support through Zeos

tiOPF is an opensource Object Persistance Framework ( tiOPF ). It already had an (experimental) persistance layer for Zeos, only implementing FireBird. I've added MySQL to that and posted the code in their newsgroups ([url=news://]tiopf.binary[/url]). Make note...
by bravecobra
12.07.2007, 08:38
Forum: Documentations
Topic: gto's Zeos Quick Start Guide - Hands On!
Replies: 8
Views: 18569

doxygen supports the inclusion of external html documents, thus it'll probably be included there and be maintained by subversion.
by bravecobra
10.06.2007, 14:34
Forum: Documentations
Topic: First testing results
Replies: 1
Views: 4069

First testing results

zeoslib full sourcecode
zeoslib components
This is just the first testing for doxygen. It's already automated using cron on my server.
by bravecobra
22.05.2007, 22:42
Forum: MySQL
Topic: MySQL5 - Stored procedures
Replies: 17
Views: 8378

Is there a way of "converting" that IZResultset to a TDataset on zdbc level? Basically that's what TZAbstractRODataset does, not? In ZDbcMySQLStatement I found that TZMySQLStatement.ExecuteQuery .... Result := CreateResultSet(SQL); //Yeah, ok but the last one plz!! ;) Can we have some code...
by bravecobra
21.05.2007, 04:44
Forum: MySQL
Topic: MySQL5 - Stored procedures
Replies: 17
Views: 8378

Is there a way of getting only the last resultset instead of the first one? Which would make more sense when that last is the result of a stored procedure. I'm not in need (currently) of the select statements I make within the stored procedure.
by bravecobra
09.04.2007, 13:39
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Trouble while installing ZEOSDBO 6.6.1 beta on Delphi 2007
Replies: 18
Views: 4692

I've noticed when having D7 and D10 on the same machine, that D10 seems to take over paths declared in D7, resulting in very strange behaviour in D10. Try outputting the bpl's and dcp's to a specific path for each environment (in your project options), not taking the default.
by bravecobra
09.04.2007, 13:22
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: MySQL 5 stored procedures and ZEOSDBO beta
Replies: 16
Views: 5873

Sure, the stored procedure as currently defined as follws. It's to be extended later on. I first want to be sure that I can call the stored procedure. DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `hero`.`sp_ProjectCost` $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_ProjectCost`(in_ProjectID int) COMME...
by bravecobra
09.04.2007, 05:59
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: MySQL 5 stored procedures and ZEOSDBO beta
Replies: 16
Views: 5873

Got that working, however when clicking the button twice, I'm getting an error message "SQL Error: Lost connection to MySQL server during query". Hitting it one more time gives me the obvious "SQL Error: MySQL server has gone away". It seems that calling the stored procedure this...
by bravecobra
19.01.2007, 01:01
Forum: User Contributions
Topic: ReportBuilder Data Access for Zeoslib
Replies: 1
Views: 3465

ReportBuilder Data Access for Zeoslib

I'm using ReportBuilder to generate my reports. However I never found the needed classes to use the RB's ReportExplorer fully.
So based upon some other library, I came up with this.

Any comments are well appreciated.
by bravecobra
20.12.2006, 23:39
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Delphi 7 - Lost connection (timeout)
Replies: 7
Views: 7479

Yupieeeee! About connection lost - you can tweak the parameters on MySQL server. I can't remember the parameters names, but if you need it i'll search. About anse123 problem. I think the reconnection is based on the properties of the component. Try to check in which database you're in before doing ...
by bravecobra
29.09.2006, 21:22
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: zeos and auto increment
Replies: 7
Views: 5576

That's discussed here.