Search found 2 matches

by tpv
02.09.2014, 09:27
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: how to check firebird server service is running ?
Replies: 1
Views: 2170

how to check firebird server service is running ?

hi ,

how to check firebird server service is running/ still running ? or how to close database connection automatically when firebird server is down ?

zeos 7.0.3 lazarus 1.14

by tpv
01.09.2014, 16:02
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: how to check firebird server service is running ?
Replies: 2
Views: 1535

how to check firebird server service is running ?

hi, we have a some issues with firebird when we have lan problems or firebird service is down with message "access violation" ,this message still appears even if we resolve the lan problems is there a way to check firebird server service is running ? or disconnect form the database when fi...