Search found 11 matches

by scheurer
10.03.2011, 14:48
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: D2010+zeosdbo+oracle10g
Replies: 2
Views: 584

Setting the properity of 'connected' to true at the compoment of zconnection does not work with XP64 and Zeos6.6 and trigger a oracle-error 12154.

Our workaround is setting the property with aevent procedure (Buttonclick).

Maybe this will work for You too.

Karl Scheurer
by scheurer
04.02.2011, 13:40
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] Bug in Master/Detail Mechanisms
Replies: 3
Views: 1877

[patch_done] Bug in Master/Detail Mechanisms

unit ZAbstractRODataset; ... TZDataLink = class(TDataLink) ... is not correct for MD Relations, since it breaks Delphi Code for enumerating Detaildatasets. Try dataset.getdetaildatasets(tlist) and the answer is 0 Detaildatasets. Bug is fixed with ... TZDataLink = class(TMasterDataLink) ... and ... c...
by scheurer
24.02.2010, 13:19
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Field x is required, But not supplied.
Replies: 7
Views: 1224

Field x is required, But not supplied

Hi, we had the same error message in our applications. Our solution was a patch in ZAbstractRODataset change ... {$IFNDEF FOSNOMETA} Required := IsWritable(I) and (IsNullable(I) = ntNoNulls); {$ENDIF} ... to ... {$IFNDEF FOSNOMETA} Required := IsWritable(I) and (IsNullable(I) = ntNoNulls) and not Ha...
by scheurer
10.02.2010, 13:41
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Table editing without changing activerecord property
Replies: 1
Views: 1501

Table editing without changing activerecord property

Editing in document processing application often implies editing in a datagrid and programmed updating records based on input and filter conditions. Applying these changes with edit; <value>; post; sequences move the active input row of the datagrid. Viewing the table as a two dimensional array of v...
by scheurer
10.02.2010, 13:24
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Sequence support for all databases
Replies: 0
Views: 1651

Sequence support for all databases

Sequences are only supported in some databases (for example Oracle) The alternative with autoinc fields (Ado, Mysql ...) is problematic in a multiuser environment (transactions and unique identifier of table records). A sequence component for all supported databases (simulating with a sequence table...
by scheurer
10.02.2010, 13:02
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Bug in generic resolver
Replies: 2
Views: 1268

I accept that my patch is a little simple minded. But adding the patch to ado only does not solve the complete problem. Writing to autoinc fields is messy in a multiuser environment (unique identifier of a table record). I think it is better to add a confiuration flag like "writeableautoinc&quo...
by scheurer
08.02.2010, 15:20
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Field "ID" is required, but not supplied
Replies: 2
Views: 2466

Re: Field "ID" is required, but not supplied

Hello, I use a component cxGrid for display of the data, ZQuery (CuchedUpdates = true) for connection to DB PostgreSQL. I have such problem, When I start the program and enter data in table, unintentionally I press header and there is a sorting, I fill the remained cells and press SaveButton and th...
by scheurer
08.02.2010, 15:02
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] ZVariant
Replies: 1
Views: 1264

[patch_done] ZVariant

The Type TZVariant in all versions is a real memory waster. Putting vtBoolean,vtFloat.vtDatetime and vtPointer in a case record saves memory with any loss in function. {** Defines a variant structure. } TZVariant = packed record VType: TZVariantType; VString: AnsiString; VUnicodeString: WideString; ...
by scheurer
08.02.2010, 14:53
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Bug in generic resolver
Replies: 2
Views: 1268

Bug in generic resolver

Zeosdbo with access and ado has problem with autoinc fields (Flagged as not readonly and writeable). After patching unit ZDbcResultSetMetadata ..... function TZAbstractResultSetMetadata.IsReadOnly(Column: Integer): Boolean; begin if not Loaded then LoadColumns; Result := TZColumnInfo(FResultSet.Colu...
by scheurer
26.02.2007, 09:06
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: Oracle8i
Replies: 8
Views: 5073

In the meantime we solved the datefield problem. If somebody want to use Zeoslib 6.x with Oracle8 the following changes are required: in ZDbcOracleUtils procedure InitializeOracleVar look for .... stDate, stTime, stTimestamp: begin Variable.TypeCode := SQLT_TIMESTAMP; Length := SizeOf(POCIDateTime);...
by scheurer
23.02.2007, 16:48
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: Oracle8i
Replies: 8
Views: 5073


We had some experiences with Zeoslib 5.x and Oracle8i. It seems to be stable and very effizient. So we tried to port some applications from ACCESS to Oracle8i with Zeoslib6X and the problems began. The ADO Version had problems with GUID fields the Oracle9i connection refuses date fields. The 6.6 ver...