Search found 16 matches

by zx
04.06.2007, 08:04
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: BatchMove a-la BDE
Replies: 5
Views: 3304

well, I did not use BDE too much and did nothing like you said with it. But sometimes I also need to transfer numerous records between similar structures, stored sometimes in heterogenous database environment. I know 2 ways to solve this problem: - as it is mentioned here, bulk copy operations. It i...
by zx
30.05.2007, 06:06
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] error handling empty string values (makes NULLS)
Replies: 3
Views: 1492

Are you sure there shouldn't be a difference between VarToStr ands VarToWidestr? Well, no. You are sure right. In fact, I've lost the difference, sorry. (But there is a number of applications working fine with this lame patch). But nevertheless, changes should be done to make the code handle empty ...
by zx
30.05.2007, 05:58
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] bug report: read blob in ADO
Replies: 3
Views: 1611

Can you please try to get the test suite installed and working on your machine? I'll try to do my best to make it so. But now I do not really have time to do it. As you see, this time we don't forget to have a look at your patches Thanx a lot. I said about all that misunderstandings only because I ...
by zx
30.05.2007, 05:53
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Master-detail close/open
Replies: 5
Views: 2336

mdaems wrote: I hope you're sure this works without side effects.
well. everything I can tell is that there were exceptions like I described before patch and they disappear after it.

That certainly does not mean I've covered every situation possible.
by zx
29.05.2007, 14:15
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] error handling empty string values (makes NULLS)
Replies: 3
Views: 1492

[bug_fixed] error handling empty string values (makes NULLS)

bug report: error handling empty string values - makes 'em NULLS when you set field value to '' it is posted as null in ADO I do not even want to comment this issue. In fact, it is your code and you know much more about it. The only thing I say is how does it look like now and how should it look lik...
by zx
29.05.2007, 14:01
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] error handling stUnicodeStream in ZDbcCache.pas
Replies: 1
Views: 1224

[bug_fixed] error handling stUnicodeStream in ZDbcCache.pas

bug report: error handling stUnicodeStream in ZDbcCache.pas TZRowAccessor.CompareBuffers doesn't handle stUnicodeStream right way. the code is: function TZRowAccessor.CompareBuffers(Buffer1, Buffer2: PZRowBuffer; ColumnIndices: TIntegerDynArray; ColumnDirs: TBooleanDynArray): Integer; ... else if FC...
by zx
29.05.2007, 13:51
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_rejected] cached updates can not be posted
Replies: 1
Views: 1404

[patch_rejected] cached updates can not be posted

bug report: cached updates can not be posted TZAbstractDataset.CommitUpdates method rolls updates back [problem] Just look what code does: // ZAbstractDataset.pas procedure TZAbstractDataset.CommitUpdates; begin CheckBrowseMode; if CachedResultSet <> nil then CachedResultSet.CancelUpdates; end; But ...
by zx
29.05.2007, 13:44
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Metadata issue with ADO
Replies: 1
Views: 1373

[bug_fixed] Metadata issue with ADO

bug report: Metadata issue with ADO catalog and schema context lost when updating data in zeos datasets [problem] i have a couple of databases - db1 and db2 on the same server. i connect to server via zConnection with ADO protocol and say that mine current database is db1 (with connection string or ...
by zx
29.05.2007, 13:42
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] AutoCommit issues in ADO
Replies: 1
Views: 1440

[bug_fixed] AutoCommit issues in ADO

bug report: AutoCommit issues in ADO [problem] there is a set of broblems with transactioning using ADO. it would be clear to quote and comment source rather then to describe those bugs. ======== [dbc\ZDbcAdo.pas] ======== // everything is OK here procedure TZAdoConnection.ReStartTransactionSupport;...
by zx
29.05.2007, 13:38
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] bug report: read blob in ADO
Replies: 3
Views: 1611

[bug_fixed] bug report: read blob in ADO

greetings. I've been sending a number of patches to Zeos team since 6.1.5 or 6.1.4 version, but as member rotations took place, this patches were not taken a good look at.. so I'm trying to send 'em one more time. bug report: read blob in ADO [platform notes] zeosdbo-6.6.1-beta protocol: ado delphi7...
by zx
29.05.2007, 13:18
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [bug_fixed] Master-detail close/open
Replies: 5
Views: 2336

greetings. there is one more issue one can think about a matter mentioned. it is a place where begin Close; Open; end; is done. the thing is that when you do not create fields in dataset manually, they are being created when dataset opens and destroyed when it closes. and some visual data-aware comp...
by zx
17.11.2005, 15:02
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: trouble connecting oracle
Replies: 7
Views: 1933

trouble connecting oracle

greetings everyone. smth strange happens.. i try to connect Oracle 9i database on winxp pro host. I use zConnection and zQuery. in designtime i set properties the way like: Connection.database = db.. Connection.hostName = host.. Connection.password= usr_pwd Connection.port = 1521 Connection.protocol...
by zx
14.10.2005, 11:31
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: bug report: zeos with Developer Express db components
Replies: 1
Views: 985

bug report: zeos with Developer Express db components

[problem] there is a collection of components by Developer Express inc. called Quantum Grid Suite. it contains numerous dbControls. when I use them with zeos dbo I often receive exceptions like Invalid Pointer Operation or something like that. a day of digging exposed such a reason. this failure rai...
by zx
14.10.2005, 10:51
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Metadata issue with ADO
Replies: 1
Views: 751

Metadata issue with ADO

[problem] i have a couple of databases - db1 and db2 on the same server. i connect to server via zConnection with ADO protocol and say that mine current database is db1 (with connection string or directly with USE query - does not matter). next i take a zQuery named dsQuery, set its SQL into: 'selec...
by zx
14.10.2005, 09:54
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: bug report: AutoCommit issues in ADO
Replies: 1
Views: 798

bug report: AutoCommit issues in ADO

[problem] there is a set of broblems with transactioning using ADO. it would be clear to quote and comment source rather then to describe those bugs. ======== [dbc\ZDbcAdo.pas] ======== // everything is OK here procedure TZAdoConnection.ReStartTransactionSupport; begin if Closed then Exit; if not (A...