Search found 8 matches

by krzynio8
21.12.2018, 10:46
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Only first row is returned (Lazarus + Firebird + Oracle)
Replies: 2
Views: 636

Re: Only first row is returned (Lazarus + Firebird + Oracle)

Yes, it happens only on two queries form Oracle and on one on Firebird. Today I only have access to FB database so my example is as follows: Query: SELECT * FROM PR_KALKULACJA_PP_SZCZEG Procedure: SET TERM ^ ; ALTER PROCEDURE PR_KALKULACJA_PP_SZCZEG RETURNS ( ID INTEGER, MASTER VARCHAR(30), NAZMASTE...
by krzynio8
20.12.2018, 22:51
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Only first row is returned (Lazarus + Firebird + Oracle)
Replies: 2
Views: 636

Only first row is returned (Lazarus + Firebird + Oracle)

Hello! I was working with Lazarus trunk 2.1, Zeoslib 7.2.1-rc1 and Firebird 3.0 on Debian and sometimes on Oracle. Recently I updated to Zeoslib 7.2.4 After this some queries on Lazarus return only one first row. I went back to 7.2.3-rc and the same, only first row is returned. The same query on Zeo...
by krzynio8
10.11.2014, 00:09
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: memSQL
Replies: 1
Views: 22673


Any plans for memSQL support?
by krzynio8
05.11.2014, 20:09
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Lazarus, Firebird and Blobs over the network, slow
Replies: 3
Views: 3159

Lazarus, Firebird and Blobs over the network, slow

Hello! I have simple table as below: CREATE TABLE IDX ( ID CARDINAL NOT NULL, ID_PARENT INTEGER NOT NULL, CODE VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, DES1 VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, DES2 VARCHAR(100), IMAGE BLOB SUB_TYPE 0, CONSTRAINT PK_IDX_0 PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) The field IMAGE stores bmp image 800x800x16. I have only 2...
by krzynio8
02.07.2014, 06:55
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZQuery and line comments
Replies: 6
Views: 1446

TZQuery and line comments

Hello! To make my queries stored in TZQuery or loaded runtime from text files more understandable in the future I leave comments in them. Comment /* */ works fine, but two minuses -- for commenting to end of line seems to be not working. Especially when parameters with colon : are included in the qu...
by krzynio8
03.04.2014, 13:50
Forum: MS SQL Server
Topic: Connecting MSsql from Linux - - problem
Replies: 7
Views: 6289

Re: Connecting MSsql from Linux - - problem

Thak you! I connected to SQL2008 using this: - Linux Client: You can use TZConnection with protocol FreeTDS_MsSQL-2000, in this case you must have installed the FreeTDS libraries (for example in Debian the packages freetds-bin and libsybd5). For this to work you have to modify ZPlainDbLibDriver.pas ...
by krzynio8
02.04.2014, 22:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZQuery Filter with * problem
Replies: 3
Views: 1693

Re: TZQuery Filter with * problem

Thank you very much for all. The key was the module ZMatchPattern. I just wanted to find a pattern in any place of a field value. So, simple modification of IsMatch procedure solved my problem. function IsMatch(const Pattern, Text: string): Boolean; begin if Pos(AnsiLowerCase(Pattern), AnsiLowerCase...
by krzynio8
30.03.2014, 11:26
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZQuery Filter with * problem
Replies: 3
Views: 1693

TZQuery Filter with * problem

Hello! I noticed that using asterisk as filter works fine only when I use * at the end of fileterd string ie. 'Test*' When I use asterisk at the beginning ie. '*test' or use two asteriscs in the filter reults are not intuitive. I tested on firebird db and sqlite db. Lets create any db and a table TA...