Search found 27 matches

by nlanger
11.03.2021, 17:31
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Hi Michael I have good news and bad news :-) I downloaded the Zeos8 package on January 5th, 2021 and today. That from January 5th, 2021 works fine with "DISABLE_ZPARAM" in (also in the QuickReport Designer). The version from today works in all other sources, but in the QuickReport...
by nlanger
11.03.2021, 14:47
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Dateformat for ZQuery.Params
Replies: 2
Views: 210

Dateformat for ZQuery.Params

I would like to pass the date in the format DD.MM.YYYY as a parameter to ZQuery. Where and how do I have to set the format for the date? I've tried the source code ... GetFormatSettings; FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat:=''; ... but in unit "ZSysUtils" in function TryPCharToDate(P:...
by nlanger
26.01.2021, 19:48
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

I found the mistake. I was able to establish and debug a VPN connection from the Delphi10 client to the SQL server. I use the Rx-Tools with the component TRxMemDS (a query as memory-table). When program starting, an SQL query is executed which returns a field which was "Numeric (18,3)" => ...
by nlanger
26.01.2021, 17:59
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Hello Michal Why do I use version 7.3 and not 8.0? You changed the ZQuery.Params from 8.0. The new type TZParam no longer works in the Quick Report Designer. :x But that means that over 100 forms have been created for my customers. Unfortunately, the Quick Report Designer incorporates the components...
by nlanger
26.01.2021, 17:51
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

I tried the program again via remote maintenance on the server.
Enclosed the Windows event ... - no real help.
by nlanger
18.01.2021, 20:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Re: Protocol Ado = program crash

Hello Michał For testing purposes, I installed msoledbsql.msi on each client beforehand. And use ... Protocol: oleDB Provider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=Test;MARS Connection=True;Data Source=Server1;Initial Catalog=DB01 Delphi 10.4 Win32 Zeos 7.3.1-beta I have the same applicati...
by nlanger
13.01.2021, 20:24
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Protocol Ado = program crash
Replies: 13
Views: 515

Protocol Ado = program crash

My new program with Zeo7.3 and OleDb protocol is already running successfully on several computers with Windows 10 using an MS SQL Server 2014 database. Now I have a network wirth 8 Clients with Windows 10. The program does not work on all clients. The program starts - but immediately crashes again ...
by nlanger
17.11.2020, 18:24
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: ZQuery.Cancel error
Replies: 5
Views: 259

Re: ZQuery.Cancel error

Addition: The table RGPOS has two fields in the primary key.

BNR varchar(9) not null *primary key
POS varchar(3) not null *primary key
ANR varchar(15) not null
BEZ varchar(100) null
INFO text null
LGNR varchar(2) null
ANZ numeric(8, 3) not null
by nlanger
17.11.2020, 18:19
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: ZQuery.Cancel error
Replies: 5
Views: 259

Re: ZQuery.Cancel error

Yes that solves the problem - great. I still have one effect, but it doesn't always happen. Have not yet found a reason under which conditions this occurs. - Same access ZQuery via ZConn Protocol = 'OleDB' to MS-SQLserver 2014. - With "select * from RGPOS where BNR=:0" = 4 data records are...
by nlanger
12.11.2020, 20:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: ZQuery.Cancel error
Replies: 5
Views: 259

ZQuery.Cancel error

I encountered an error with ZQuery.Cancel. If there is one data record in the ZQuery and you do ZQuery.Insert is all OK, but if you do not do POST but CANCEL, the 1st sentence disappears and not the newly appended 2nd sentence. This only happens if there is exactly 1 record in it, if there are sever...
by nlanger
15.10.2020, 10:18
Forum: OleDB (Microsoft Windows)
Topic: SQL-Server OleDB TransactIsolationLevel Read../None
Replies: 2
Views: 444

Re: SQL-Server OleDB TransactIsolationLevel Read../None

Yeah you're right, I've changed that now. Many years ago I developed a large billing software with Delphi5 and Zeos6, on the SQL Server 2008. At that time the database was faster if you used tiNone. That is why I always started and ended the transactions as described (also for SQL-Server2014). In a ...
by nlanger
14.10.2020, 22:38
Forum: OleDB (Microsoft Windows)
Topic: SQL-Server OleDB TransactIsolationLevel Read../None
Replies: 2
Views: 444

SQL-Server OleDB TransactIsolationLevel Read../None

Hello, I have a problem with transactions and OleDB on SQL Server 2016. I execute many SQL commands in one transaction, but most of them don't. If I start the transaction with the connection open, it works until COMMIT. When switching back the TransactIsolationLevel, an error occurs when I use the &...