Search found 322 matches

by zippo
27.10.2006, 21:57
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: TzQuery is SLOW to read records
Replies: 10
Views: 2364

Using PivotCube on dataset with 25.000 records and 27 solumns- speed is OK. Or maybe I should test another component to compare.. :) Time to process is about 10 -20 seconds (depends a litle probably because usage of varcahr fields).

How many records and coluimns do you have in the dataset.
by zippo
23.10.2006, 17:28
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: MySQL database structure comparation
Replies: 5
Views: 25551

Ok, thanks!

I'll make the routines - BTW: If anyone needs them, just drop me a PM or mail.. :)
by zippo
23.10.2006, 12:47
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: MySQL database structure comparation
Replies: 5
Views: 25551

I will show you what I mean: I have two databases of the same application, but different versions. This means that some tables are missing, some fields are missing, some fields are different (type, size) or some indexes are missing/different. I would like to see the differences between the two datab...
by zippo
23.10.2006, 11:08
Forum: Off Topic
Topic: MySQL database structure comparation
Replies: 5
Views: 25551

MySQL database structure comparation


Does anyone know how to compare two database (on the same server) structures? If there's any Delphi code it would be great.. :)
by zippo
16.10.2006, 23:22
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: zeoslib vs utf
Replies: 1
Views: 599


But you have to set up the server correctly (utf8 tables,.. etc.).
by zippo
14.10.2006, 09:17
Forum: User Contributions
Topic: New MySQL Generic Driver
Replies: 8
Views: 5213

Seems OK to me, too. I'll test it ASAP. For the embedded MySQL can remain as a separate driver type (mysql, mysqld), so the automatic version detection would work separately. @tohenk: Great idea! @mdaems: The idea is great, but it must be applied carefully. Is it included in any SVN version or I nee...
by zippo
12.10.2006, 08:06
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Is it any plan to include Event Component in 6.5.1?
Replies: 3
Views: 693

What is this?
by zippo
11.10.2006, 23:09
Forum: SQLite Administrator
Topic: sqlite administrator
Replies: 3
Views: 3468

what do the blobs contain? Is there any average size estimation of blobs? Also - watch the memory usage during table opening. Is there a possibility that the PC begins to swap (hint: massive disk LED blinking.. :) ) beacuse no more RAM available? If yes, then the tables are too big. And of course - ...
by zippo
11.10.2006, 23:06
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: I can't connet to MySQL
Replies: 1
Views: 563

Don't know much about proxies, but do you have any useful data? I don't think Zeos have any functions/properties for proxy connecting...
by zippo
05.10.2006, 12:21
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Error With CLOB on ORACLE9i
Replies: 5
Views: 911

Check the DLLs, could be a version problem?
by zippo
04.10.2006, 13:06
Forum: 6.1.5
Topic: TZStoredProc error
Replies: 2
Views: 2949

Well, I use stored procedures very differently from you, so maybe it could work my way: I use just querys, like this: For Functions: Query1.SQL.Text := 'Select MyFunction(Param1,Param2)'; Query1.Open; MyResultVariable := Query1.Fields[0].AsInteger; // (AsString,... etc.) For Procedures: Query1.SQL.T...
by zippo
26.09.2006, 19:52
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Clear dataset
Replies: 9
Views: 1974

More ways to do that: a) via SQL: Select * from Table limit 0,100 Select * from limit 100,100 Select * from limit 200,100 ... (more on ) b) via cached datasets. Make the property Query.CachedUpdates := true and then Query.Delete without affecting th...
by zippo
18.09.2006, 23:06
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Needed to rename libmysql50.dll to libmysqld50.dll
Replies: 2
Views: 1991

Could be that you selected an embedded version of MySQL by mistake?
by zippo
18.09.2006, 23:04
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: MySQL Storedprocedures
Replies: 16
Views: 3942

Procedures do not return values if I'm not wrong - functions do that. To return a value from the function follow this example (syntax is aproximative): DELIMITER $$ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `test`.`USR_MULTIPLY` $$ CREATE FUNCTION `USR_MULTIPLY`(X Integer, Y Integer) RETURNS Integer DETERMINISTIC COM...
by zippo
18.09.2006, 16:51
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: MySQL Storedprocedures
Replies: 16
Views: 3942

It can be done just by ZQuery too:

Query1.sql.text := 'Call NewDocument("xx",12)';