Search found 322 matches

by zippo
06.04.2009, 13:12
Forum: MySQL
Topic: How can I detect a MySQL server that is unresponsive
Replies: 3
Views: 739

What exactly is the difference between Ping and PingServer?
by zippo
11.03.2009, 15:46
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: [bug_fixed] SSL connection to MySQL
Replies: 5
Views: 3208

Thanx! I will try it tomorrow
by zippo
05.03.2009, 10:33
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: [bug_fixed] SSL connection to MySQL
Replies: 5
Views: 3208

Hmm.. mdaems, can you give me a ultra-quick-and-short tuorial on how to setup a SSL on mysql?
by zippo
03.09.2008, 12:11
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Newbie help needed - SQL query + results
Replies: 8
Views: 1370

The important thing is that now it's working.. ;)
by zippo
03.09.2008, 12:11
Forum: SQLite Administrator
Topic: Boolean fields: 1/0 vs Y/N
Replies: 7
Views: 2374

Are you sure that both the ways are supported? Somewhere I used one, somewhere the second...
by zippo
28.08.2008, 06:41
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Newbie help needed - SQL query + results
Replies: 8
Views: 1370

TZConnection --> TZQuery.Connection --> TDatasource.Dataset --> TDBGrid.Datasource
by zippo
27.08.2008, 09:25
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Newbie help needed - SQL query + results
Replies: 8
Views: 1370

you can do many things when connected, let's take a simple example: - Add a TZQuery component into the form and name it (example MyQuery). Link it to the ZConnection component via property Connection. - Add a TDataSource and link it (property Dataset) to MySQL. - Add a TDBGrid an connect it to the d...
by zippo
26.08.2008, 09:07
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Problem with connecting
Replies: 2
Views: 832

Have you upgraded mysql form 3.x or 4.0 to 5.x? The message means you are using old password coding mechanisms - a newer libmysql.dll should resolve the problem.
by zippo
26.08.2008, 09:06
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: about "ZQuery.Open"
Replies: 3
Views: 737

So... it's working?
by zippo
20.08.2008, 12:34
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: about "ZQuery.Open"
Replies: 3
Views: 737

You're not closig the dataset in the first example. Maybe this could work: ZQuery2.SQL.Clear; ZQuery2.SQL.Add('select name from ip where ipstart< :pIP and ipend> :pIP ;'); repeat ... ZQuery2.Close; ZQuery2.Params[0].AsInteger:=iIP; ZQuery2.Open; aRegion := VarToStr(ZQuery2['name']); // only one reco...
by zippo
04.08.2008, 22:22
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Saving/restoring a dataset to/from a file
Replies: 11
Views: 2278

Ops! Thank you ;)
by zippo
04.08.2008, 18:48
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Saving/restoring a dataset to/from a file
Replies: 11
Views: 2278

Ok, so there's the modified code: Saving: procedure SaveDatasetToFile(DataSet: TDataSet; FileName: string; Separ: char=';'); var i, r : integer; Row, Fld : string; F : TextFile; begin AssignFile(F, FileName); Rewrite(F); r := DataSet.RecNo; DataSet.DisableControls; DataSet.First; while not DataSet.E...
by zippo
30.07.2008, 13:59
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Saving/restoring a dataset to/from a file
Replies: 11
Views: 2278

Brilliant! I've modified the procedure for large text fields and if you agree I'll post it here.
by zippo
29.07.2008, 12:52
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Saving/restoring a dataset to/from a file
Replies: 11
Views: 2278

Sure! For now I'll post the article I started from. I will post more code in few days.
by zippo
28.07.2008, 21:57
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Saving/restoring a dataset to/from a file
Replies: 11
Views: 2278

It works - thank you!!!