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by aehimself
22.05.2024, 20:28
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: TZQuery Invalid token "STATUS" apostrophe
Replies: 4
Views: 158

Re: TZQuery Invalid token "STATUS" apostrophe

Ah, I thought you are using TZQuery to run your INSERT query; my bad.

First, simply try to alias the field in your query... SELECT \"STATUS\" "STATUS" should get rid of the quotations.
An other thing is you can use TZUpdateSQL to specify the correct query to be executed.
by aehimself
22.05.2024, 14:56
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: TZQuery Invalid token "STATUS" apostrophe
Replies: 4
Views: 158

Re: TZQuery Invalid token "STATUS" apostrophe

This is a very unusual field name, I thought it's not possible to have special characters in field names. Though I never worked with Firebird until now, escape works like \" or "" in other systems, so I'd try that first hand. INSERT INTO xx VALUES (\"STATUS\", [...] or INSER...
by aehimself
02.05.2024, 17:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: ZMemTable does not support the ftCurrency type
Replies: 4
Views: 134

Re: ZMemTable does not support the ftCurrency type

The issue is not that simple. Either we simply add a TCurrencyField (which is probably undesirable considering all the TZxxField variants) in the method you mentioned but the good solution is to implement the currently missing TZCurrencyField. I don't have access to any RDBMSes at the moment but it ...
by aehimself
18.04.2024, 14:01
Forum: Oracle
Topic: Oracle clob performance and CopyLocator
Replies: 3
Views: 197

Re: Oracle clob performance and CopyLocator

I have absolutely no knowledge on this topic, so excuse me if I say something stupid. But is it possible that it's for backwards compatibility? Maybe older oci.dlls and/or Oracle servers did not support this, only via the slow way?
by aehimself
16.04.2024, 13:34
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: wrong fields
Replies: 9
Views: 392

Re: wrong fields

I'd do a step-into the field setter ( query.fieldbyname.assting := ) and getter ( := query.fieldbyname.asstring ) to see if writing in or reading out the data fails. It might be a good idea to connect a DBEdit on the same field so you can verify if / when the data changes. I'd also check if we are a...
by aehimself
15.04.2024, 19:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: wrong fields
Replies: 9
Views: 392

Re: wrong fields


I personally never used calculated fields but I put together a small test application, where I could not reproduce the issue:
It's easily possible that I'm doing something wrong. Can you please make a test application with an optional DB create script so we can check?
by aehimself
15.04.2024, 18:57
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Query doesn't close when SQL.Text assigned
Replies: 4
Views: 314

Re: Query doesn't close when SQL.Text assigned

If you check any well-written Delphi library, they do exactly the same. No change will be triggered if the control is updated with the same data; as in reality no change actually happened. The only thing Zeos did now is apply the same logic... which is not just reasonable, in some cases necessary du...
by aehimself
31.03.2024, 21:44
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Incompatible types: 'TParams' and 'TZParams'
Replies: 5
Views: 464

Re: Incompatible types: 'TParams' and 'TZParams'

Dfox wrote: 29.03.2024, 15:34 Good morning, how can I leave DISABLE_ZPARAM defined in by default?
Normally you don't want to change it in the components .inc file. Add it as a compiler directive in your project.
by aehimself
25.03.2024, 08:02
Forum: ADO
Topic: what is defference odbc_a and odbc-w
Replies: 4
Views: 267

Re: what is defference odbc_a and odbc-w


I personally never used ODBC until now but I think "A" stands for ANSI while "W" stands for "Wide" (UTF-8 / Unicode).
Windows is using the same differentation in WinApi function names (GetWindowTextA vs GetWindowTextW).
by aehimself
06.03.2024, 18:49
Forum: User Patches
Topic: TZPlainDriver.GetUnicodeCodePageName?
Replies: 6
Views: 573

Re: TZPlainDriver.GetUnicodeCodePageName?

Note: Please don't take this post as an offense. It is not meant that way. None taken, the exact reason the patch is not sent is that I wanted to have a discussion first. There are lot's of things I don't see / know what others might! When talking about Unicode it seems to be important do make the ...
by aehimself
04.03.2024, 16:57
Forum: Oracle
Topic: What Oracle versions do we support?
Replies: 4
Views: 672

Re: What Oracle versions do we support?

This sounds extremely familiar and I think I did it; however I found no trace of it. Metadata was updated in commit 1574d0607e989d7f23805b85b93dd2fc4fff870f Oracle metadata to show field remarks (comments) marsupilami79 on 11/22/2019, 10:29:24 AM Now IF it was me I could only test it on Oracle 9 as ...
by aehimself
02.03.2024, 13:43
Forum: User Patches
Topic: TZPlainDriver.GetUnicodeCodePageName?
Replies: 6
Views: 573

Re: TZPlainDriver.GetUnicodeCodePageName?

To be honest my main targets are MSSQL, MySQL and Oracle, I barely (or never) used the rest of the RDBMSes. So yeah, thank you for the insight! As for Firebird I agree. As the document you linked clearly states it's not complete, whatever that means: UTF8 comes with collations for many languages. UN...
by aehimself
01.03.2024, 22:04
Forum: User Patches
Topic: TZPlainDriver.GetUnicodeCodePageName?
Replies: 6
Views: 573


I think we have some errors in the implementations of GetUnicodeCodePageName at some protocols. As far as I understand, this function should return the Unicode (or closest, if it's not supported) code page to use for the specific protocol. At the moment the following drivers return it: - TZAdoPlainD...
by aehimself
13.02.2024, 19:27
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Application crashes when calling ZIBEventAlerter1.RegisterEvents routine.
Replies: 4
Views: 507

Re: Application crashes when calling ZIBEventAlerter1.RegisterEvents routine.

I’m happy to hear that your problem was solved but I would still like to know what error you received, how it crashed.

If you received an access violation it probably should be changed to a meaningful message; that’s why I’m asking.
by aehimself
09.02.2024, 15:20
Forum: Oracle
Topic: Oracle & UTF16 - Fetched column value was truncated (solved...?)
Replies: 28
Views: 2002

Re: Oracle & UTF16 - Fetched column value was truncated (solved...?)

Soooo, I took the diff and applied it to my local Zeos repo. SELECT * FROM BigTable, AL32UTF8 Opening dataset in background thread #6108 started. [...] Fetch Statement 10, affected 207454 row(s) in 479833 ms Query returned 207 454 record(s) in 07:59 Opening dataset in background thread #6108 ended i...