Search found 24 matches

by BytePlayer
05.10.2012, 21:28
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: How can I do a SELECT Statement using Two Databases?
Replies: 6
Views: 2729

SQLite3 --- Alternatively do you know is there an existing way to dump a DB to an SQL Query and then run that on the new DB?
by BytePlayer
03.10.2012, 12:13
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: How can I do a SELECT Statement using Two Databases?
Replies: 6
Views: 2729

How can I do a SELECT Statement using Two Databases?

I'm using Delphi EX2 and SQLite3 and I have two separate database files that I need to merge via an SQL statement like: INSERT INTO DatabaseOne.TableOne (FieldNameOne, FieldNameTwo, FieldNameThree) SELECT FieldNameOne, FieldNameTwo, FieldNameThree FROM DatabaseTwo.TableOne I have a feeling that a tz...
by BytePlayer
30.09.2012, 07:48
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Want to Offer Some Code Extensions; where should I post them
Replies: 1
Views: 1431

Want to Offer Some Code Extensions; where should I post them

I am just getting started with ZeosLib and SQLite3 and I ran into some situations--like the lack of boolean support in SQLite3--that required some patching on my part that I think might be useful to other people. I added a property to the Ancestor of tzConnection: AutoRefreshTableAfterSQLExec which ...
by BytePlayer
29.09.2012, 21:56
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: DELETE FROM in Delphi EX2 with SQLite3 silently failing
Replies: 2
Views: 2107

Okay, I'll give that a shot! Thanks for the quick feedback. Also, slightly off topic, but where is the best documentation for the Zeoslib components? There are quite a number of components, like Sequencers, that I haven't run into before but I can't find a good explanation of what they are used for.
by BytePlayer
29.09.2012, 20:26
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: DELETE FROM in Delphi EX2 with SQLite3 silently failing
Replies: 2
Views: 2107

DELETE FROM in Delphi EX2 with SQLite3 silently failing

I have a SQLite3 Database and have set the tzConnection to auto-commit but when I run the following procedure it does nothing to the table, the record count remains unchanged. procedure EmptyTable(inTable:tzTable); begin MyQuery:=tzQuery.Create(nil) MyQuery.Connection := inTable.Connection; MyQuery....
by BytePlayer
23.09.2012, 22:33
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Using Math Functions in ZeosLib SQLite3 SQL Statement
Replies: 5
Views: 853

I'm not following -- basically I want to do a query which returns the closest city to a given longitude and latitude. The Table of Cities contains, CityName, ClityLongitude and CityLatitude. The accurate calculation of distance is a mess of squares, sins, cos arctan2, sqrt and it seems like they sho...
by BytePlayer
21.09.2012, 21:44
Forum: Documentations
Topic: Doxygen daily builds back online
Replies: 1
Views: 2587

Nope, back offline.
by BytePlayer
21.09.2012, 21:36
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Using Math Functions in ZeosLib SQLite3 SQL Statement
Replies: 5
Views: 853

SELECT *, SIN(LONGITUDE-655)*COS(LATITTUDE-32) as Distance FROM CITIES ORDER BY Distance Obviously the math there I just made up :D but that's the idea of what I want to do. Or another example which does work as is, but would be much cleaner if I had access to SQUARE function for example SELECT *, (...
by BytePlayer
21.09.2012, 11:04
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Using Math Functions in ZeosLib SQLite3 SQL Statement
Replies: 5
Views: 853

Using Math Functions in ZeosLib SQLite3 SQL Statement

I found the function definitions in ZFunctionsMath and they SEEM to be created but whenever I try to use them in an SQL Statement it fails, badly. ASC() however seems to work.

I am using Delphi EX2 and SQLite3 in case that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance,
