Search found 32 matches

by hstijnen
30.10.2012, 16:44
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: MySQL server gone away after call to dll
Replies: 2
Views: 2494

I'm very sure. I have two different cbproj's.

For this moment I've solved it by copying the code I need into my prog. and no more call to dll
by hstijnen
30.10.2012, 12:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: MySQL server gone away after call to dll
Replies: 2
Views: 2494

MySQL server gone away after call to dll

Hi, I've a program with connection to some Mysql server. This program calls a stand alone dll. In the dll again a connection is created to the same Mysql server, and afterwards deleted. The dll gives the correct result. After return in the calling program, when for the first time there is some call ...
by hstijnen
30.10.2012, 09:12
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: program hangs using TDataModule
Replies: 7
Views: 2669

I didn't create any line of code. My whole program consists only of two units, and one ZEOS connection compo, just created, without any modification. Here is the code: WINAPI _tWinMain%u28HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPTSTR, int%u29 %u7b try %u7b Application->Initialize%u28%u29; Application->MainFormOnTask...
by hstijnen
29.10.2012, 17:30
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: program hangs using TDataModule
Replies: 7
Views: 2669

program hangs using TDataModule

Hi, Is there anybody using CBuilder XE with ZEOS compo's in a TDataModule? On the moment I'm using such a datamodule, my program hangs when I start it. When I do the following: 1. create new VCL application with default unit 2. add TDataModule (run program: OK) 3. add ZEOS Connection to DataModule N...
by hstijnen
09.10.2012, 16:38
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: How to handle deadlock
Replies: 5
Views: 3286

Hi Michael, I got again exceptions that I could not catch. Now i've added a line in the Zeos code: function TZAbstractConnection.ExecuteDirect(SQL:string; var RowsAffected:integer):boolean; var stmt : IZStatement; begin try try CheckConnected; stmt := DbcConnection.CreateStatement; RowsAffected:= st...
by hstijnen
28.09.2012, 09:20
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Reading DateTime values from Access mdb
Replies: 3
Views: 1972

With MsSQL server indeed OK. I use way around: SELECT SysTime, Waarde, year(SysTime) as j1, month(SysTime) as m1, day(SysTime) as d1, hour(SysTime) as h1, minute(SysTime) as n1, second(SysTime) as s1 and then int j1 = Query->FindField("j1")->AsInteger; int m1 = Query->FindField("m1&qu...
by hstijnen
25.09.2012, 15:54
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Reading DateTime values from Access mdb
Replies: 3
Views: 1972

Reading DateTime values from Access mdb

Hi, I've an Access database with a table aTable and columns SysTime (Date/Time) and Value (float). I create the following query: Query->SQL->Text = "SELECT SysTime, Value FROM aTable WHERE SysTime >= :from AND SysTime <= :to" // fill in pars Query->Params->FindParam("from")->AsDa...
by hstijnen
17.08.2012, 16:18
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: connection with ODBC string
Replies: 5
Views: 3984

Thanks for your suggestion: with "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=EBIDataSource" I am able to open the connection (connected = true). But when I open a query on that connection there comes no reaction (program hangs) Code: Zqry = new TZQuery(Application); Zqry->C...
by hstijnen
15.08.2012, 16:49
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: MS-SQL: problems with ntwdblib.dll
Replies: 5
Views: 5369

Is it needed in that case to recompile the ZEOS code with compiler directives?
anywhere in the sources i saw some code:

unit ZPlainDbLibMsSql7;
WINDOWS_DLL_LOCATION ={$IFDEF FREETDS} 'dblib.dll'{$ELSE}'ntwdblib.dll'{$ENDIF};
by hstijnen
15.08.2012, 16:42
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: connection with ODBC string
Replies: 5
Views: 3984

marsupilami , my program has to run on an external computer from my customer. And that computer has the DSN defined and is connected with the db server. A former version of the program runs correctly, but is using another set of db components viz. KaDao. Now I want to replace that components with Z...
by hstijnen
14.08.2012, 14:33
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: connection with ODBC string
Replies: 5
Views: 3984

connection with ODBC string

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a db on an external computer and have only an ODBC connection string: "ODBC;DSN=ExtDataSource;DRIVER=;DBQ=.;UID=usr;PWD=pwd1;DOMAIN=;RemoteHost=;RedundantCPU=N;RedundantLAN=N" The DSN is defined on the external computer as System DSN. Now I've created a ZEOS co...
by hstijnen
14.08.2012, 14:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: MS-SQL: problems with ntwdblib.dll
Replies: 5
Views: 5369

Thanks for your suggestion.
The problem pc is external and i've asked to restart it. First I shall wait for the results and when that not helps, i shall try your suggestion.
by hstijnen
13.08.2012, 15:42
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: MS-SQL: problems with ntwdblib.dll
Replies: 5
Views: 5369

MS-SQL: problems with ntwdblib.dll

Hi, I'm using ZEOS 7.1 to connect to MS-SQL server and get several problems pointing to ntwdblib.dll (e.g. "error in ntwdblib.dll: read from location F00000"). On my own pc with Windows 7 all runs OK, but on another pc with Windows XP i get the error. Very strange is that it happens any ti...
by hstijnen
27.07.2012, 14:50
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: How to detect / set VPN connection?
Replies: 2
Views: 1779

How to detect / set VPN connection?


I've a database on an external server. Before connecting to the database I have to setup a VPN connection to the server.

Is it possible with ZEOS to detect if the VPN connection exists or to make the connection?

Thanks for help
by hstijnen
27.07.2012, 14:42
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Special character ! in database name
Replies: 4
Views: 1885

Hi Egon,

I do indeed think it has to do with escaping. In my case i've tried "\" and doubling, but didn't work. In your case I don't know. I've no experience with stored procs in Zeos. In fact I don't use them, because they seem not able to return a result set.

kind regards