Search found 7 matches

by Kosvalery
09.04.2012, 09:49
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Full Unicode/Ansi-Support in /testing branch
Replies: 653
Views: 82090

EgonHugeist, Now working doPreferPreparedResolver with utf8 ClientCodepage with MySQL. But, sometimes happens exceptions "AccessViolation" in ZeosLib if TZConnection.ClientCodapge=cp1251 and doPreferPreparedResolver and doPreferPrepared is set. Most often this occurs in TZGenericSQLWordSt...
by Kosvalery
08.04.2012, 20:41
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Full Unicode/Ansi-Support in /testing branch
Replies: 653
Views: 82090

EgonHugeist, Thanks for help. TZReadOnlyQuery and TZQuery.Options.doPreferPrepared working. But аs before, if TZQuery.Options.doPreferPreparedResolver=true and TZConnection.ClientCodepage=utf8, an attempt to post the edited string date causes exception "Unsupported data type". If ClientCo...
by Kosvalery
07.04.2012, 07:35
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Full Unicode/Ansi-Support in /testing branch
Replies: 653
Views: 82090

We're talking about different options. I mean that's options: TZQuery->Options->doPreferPrepared and doPreferPreparedResolver They differ from your very useful option TZConnecton->PreprepareSQL. As I said earlier, state of TZConnecton->PreprepareSQL option has no effect on the appearance of the desc...
by Kosvalery
06.04.2012, 19:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Full Unicode/Ansi-Support in /testing branch
Replies: 653
Views: 82090

With the ReadOnylQuery, eventually? Which DataSet-Component do you use here? Can you tell me more about the sequence which occours this bug? EgonHugeist In all cases the same sequence of components: MySQL->TZConnection->TZQuery or TZReadOnlyQuery or TZTable->TDataSource->TDBGid or/and TDBEdit The P...
by Kosvalery
06.04.2012, 09:36
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Full Unicode/Ansi-Support in /testing branch
Replies: 653
Views: 82090

Im testing various modes components of this branch. Found this bug with MySQL base: If ZConnection.ClientCodepage=cp1251 and ZQuery doPreferPrepared is true, then string data not displayed by the data controls (empty), but update and insert working correct. If ZConnection.ClientCodepage=utf8 and ZQu...
by Kosvalery
05.04.2012, 08:59
Forum: MySQL
Topic: [SOLVED] ClientCodepage don't apply to Parameters SQL query
Replies: 3
Views: 2514

Great thanks, EgonHugeist!
Your branch is solve my problem. Now working with native for base ClientCodepage cp1251 and UTF8 also working fine.
by Kosvalery
04.04.2012, 10:00
Forum: MySQL
Topic: [SOLVED] ClientCodepage don't apply to Parameters SQL query
Replies: 3
Views: 2514

[SOLVED] ClientCodepage don't apply to Parameters SQL query

I have MySQL base with cp1251 codepage tables ZConnection.ClientCodepage: cp1251 If i use ZQuery.SQL.Text:='INSERT INTO `testtable` (`name`) VALUES (''сyrillic text Текст'')'; ZQuery.ExecSQL; then data inserted in correct codapge, but if ZQuery.SQL.Text:='INSERT INTO `testtable` (`name`) VALUES (:tx...