Search found 5 matches

by jpnuage
10.01.2014, 10:26
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable
Replies: 4
Views: 2438

Re: ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable

By the way, I tried to installe ZEOS 7.1.2 stable ( :?: ) Second package ZPlain.dpk [Erreur] ZPlainLoader.pas(238): Identificateur non déclaré : 'SLibraryNotCompatible' (undeclared indentifier 'SLibraryNotCompatible) [Erreur] ZPlainLoader.pas(238): Aucune version surchargée de 'Format' ne peut être ...
by jpnuage
10.01.2014, 09:16
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable
Replies: 4
Views: 2438

Re: ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable

I'm not as far as installing. No package can be compiled ! Plenty of errors : undeclared varianles like (french version) [Erreur] ZPlainDriver.pas(75): Identificateur non déclaré : 'RawByteString' [Erreur] ZPlainDriver.pas(269): Aucune version surchargée de 'ZDbcUnicodeString' ne peut être appelée a...
by jpnuage
09.01.2014, 18:16
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable
Replies: 4
Views: 2438

ZEOS 7.0.5 Stable

Hello every body and Happy New Year Well, it doesn't start well for me. I have ZEOS 7.0.0-dev with Delphi 7 and Firebird 2.1. I wanted to migrate to 7.0.5. I downloaded the zip file, but none of the packages could be compilated so I'm stack :evil: And no installation documentation is to be found in ...
by jpnuage
02.03.2012, 18:52
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: SQLProcessor slow when handle thousand record
Replies: 5
Views: 1060

Just a little question : why don't you use a ZQuery ? Try this perhaps ZQuery := TZQuery; Zquery := TZQuery.create(nil); Zquery.SQL.Clear; ZQuery.SQL.Add('update tbharga Set HARGA= :Harga where NamaRs=' + RS + ' && KODEPRODUK=' + KodeProduk ); ZQuery.OaralNyName ('Harga').AsInteger := Harga;...
by jpnuage
02.03.2012, 11:40
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Filter in a SQL
Replies: 2
Views: 627

Filter in a SQL

Hi folks, spring is coming soon....problems too :( Please look at the following code. for i := 1 to Length(Edit.Text) do begin if Edit1.Text <> '' then begin xCode := RightStr(trim(Edit1.Text),5); ClientDataSet2.Active := false; ClientDataSet2.ParamByName('CodeArticle').AsString := xCode; ClientData...