Search found 58 matches

by markus
22.09.2014, 22:47
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Postgresql TEMP tables grid update problem
Replies: 19
Views: 5457

Re: Postgresql TEMP tables grid update problem

Hi Michael, Sorry for not replying for so long - i have almost no time to work at home now... anyway... i checked latest ZEOS revision (3324) and your patch for uncachedgetcolumns doesn't seem to work. As i understand it: in first pass when CheckVisibility := false, there are columns found - but we ...
by markus
14.03.2014, 13:15
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: jpg error 53
Replies: 5
Views: 835

Re: jpg error 53

Hi, PostgreSQL 9.0 introduced bytea_output=hex (as default also), prior to that version only bytea_output=escape was supported. If you using libpq.dll from postgres 8.4 it will support only byte_output=escape. Either change your libpq.dll version, or change bytea_output to escape, so it will be prop...
by markus
10.03.2014, 18:56
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Postgresql TEMP tables grid update problem
Replies: 19
Views: 5457

Postgresql TEMP tables grid update problem

HI, i've ran today on problem while trying to use temp tables with grid edition enabled. Here's my test case: In TZConnecition int AfterConnect event i perform ZConnection1->ExecuteDirect("create temp table temp_test(id serial primary key,\n" "i1 integer,\n" "i2 integer)&quo...
by markus
13.11.2013, 11:20
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZPgEventAlerter
Replies: 7
Views: 2449

Re: TZPgEventAlerter

Im using Pg 9 and i cant do it work i do events='removed';active = true after connection up and on postgres trigger ondelete procedure i do notify removed; Its not working. can someone check this. I use Pg9 x64 and x32 libs. Thanks, You also need to assign Connection to your event alerter component...
by markus
09.11.2013, 14:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: TZPgEventAlerter
Replies: 7
Views: 2449

Re: TZPgEventAlerter

Hi, this component does work:) but you must remember that only one of this components can actually receive notifications from database (that's pg_notify design). So try with only one PgEventAlerter in your app, aor if you use more of them - assign Processor component to them so you will always have ...
by markus
18.10.2013, 21:52
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: [solved] PostgreSQL WideMemo field
Replies: 2
Views: 2014

Re: PostgreSQL WideMemo field

Hi Michael,

Sorry for late reply, i've downloaded latest rev from svn and i don't have this error anymore.
Thanks a lot for your support.

Best regards,
by markus
15.10.2013, 17:18
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: [solved] PostgreSQL WideMemo field
Replies: 2
Views: 2014

[solved] PostgreSQL WideMemo field

Hi, I've recently updated my Zeos source code from svn, and i've stumbled upon such problem: When using AsString method of TField on text column from DB i get Access Violation when value in column is empty string. If it's NULL or column have actual value then it works ok. This error occurs first in ...
by markus
27.07.2013, 12:59
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: [patch_done] Postgre rev 2415 Query params bahaviour changed
Replies: 10
Views: 3416

Michael, Thanks for the information - this means my old apps will work without much work:) For new ones i'll make sure to create queries that will fit for CAPI statement convention. I expected that handle_indeterminate_datatype option is quick patch for testing purposes, and sooner or later it would...
by markus
22.07.2013, 19:18
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: [patch_done] Postgre rev 2415 Query params bahaviour changed
Replies: 10
Views: 3416

Michael, Thank You for this patch. I've tired it on my app: Adding 'handle_indeterminate_datatype=true' to TZConnection doesn't seem to do anything - i still got error about unknown param types. But adding it to TZQuery does the trick - i've used ZEOS with Postgresql CAPI and no errors about unknown...
by markus
19.07.2013, 22:20
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: [patch_done] Postgre rev 2415 Query params bahaviour changed
Replies: 10
Views: 3416

Hi Michael, don't worry i didn't took Your words as rude:) I used TestMode with Your advice and for now i'm back wit old behaviour. I figured out from svn comments that CAPI is way faster, that's why i asked about way to handle empty parameters "old" way in CAPI. for old porjects i'll stic...
by markus
18.07.2013, 21:53
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: [patch_done] Postgre rev 2415 Query params bahaviour changed
Replies: 10
Views: 3416

[patch_done] Postgre rev 2415 Query params bahaviour changed

Hi, In my apps i use queries with lots of params, that are provided for ZQuery component in runtime for example: ZQuery1->SQL->Text = tSQL; My SQL could look like this: select case when :p1 is not null then now() - :p1 else now() end as p_date, case when :p2 is not null then 10 * :p2 else 1 end as p...
by markus
14.01.2013, 22:23
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: PostgreSQL date formatting error
Replies: 5
Views: 11692

ok, thank you Michael.

In that case i make myself quick patch based on my first suggestion: ShortDateFormat, which will work good for me.

And when You find time to patch this properly i'll gladly download it:)

Best regards,
by markus
14.01.2013, 21:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: PostgreSQL date formatting error
Replies: 5
Views: 11692

Michael, You are right ShortDateFormat would be good if DB date formatting would be just like system locale settings, but it might be completely different Your example is actually vey simple - it doesn't matter which field is year month or day;) But property of connection is a good idea - it will be...
by markus
14.01.2013, 16:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: PostgreSQL date formatting error
Replies: 5
Views: 11692

PostgreSQL date formatting error

Hi, I've encountered problem with date fields when i changed datestyle variable of my DB. usually i work with datestyle=ISO, YMD, but now i needed datestyle=SQL ,MDY with such settings postgresql returns date fields like this: 1/14/2013 With such result i get 'Invalid argument to date encode'. When ...
by markus
30.10.2012, 20:03
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: program hangs using TDataModule
Replies: 7
Views: 2661

Hi all,

This problem occurs (on CBuilder 2010) when you have checked "build with runtime packages" option in your project (by default checked).

Since unchecking this option is one of first things i do when starting new project - i've never got such problems earlier:)

Best regards,