Search found 30 matches

by amarildolacerda
28.04.2012, 02:54
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle Procedure dont work with Ref Cursor OUT
Replies: 5
Views: 1137

First of all, Its so complex for me. I try to change some piece of code to see if its possible CAST/Convert ref cursor (POCIStmt) parameters to IZStatement and/or IZDataset like TNestedDataset; Ill attach my code... (no complete yet) (ZDbcOracleStatement line 819) .... case CurrentVar.TypeCode of SQ...
by amarildolacerda
22.04.2012, 19:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle Procedure dont work with Ref Cursor OUT
Replies: 5
Views: 1137

I propose add stCursor at ZDbcIntfs.TZSQLType TZSQLType = (stUnknown, stBoolean, stByte, stShort, stInteger, stLong, stFloat, stDouble, stBigDecimal, stString, stUnicodeString, stBytes, stDate, stTime, stTimestamp, stAsciiStream, stUnicodeStream, stBinaryStream,stCursor); It will be possible to supo...
by amarildolacerda
22.04.2012, 03:18
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle Procedure dont work with Ref Cursor OUT
Replies: 5
Views: 1137

Oracle Procedure dont work with Ref Cursor OUT

I have some procedure into oracle packaege that work fine. This days I receive from DBA one procedure that OUTPUT a Ref CURSOR. Pkg_test.procedure( listParams IN , refCursor OUT );
by amarildolacerda
22.04.2012, 02:56
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: No Oracle Group at SQL Servers and Databases
Replies: 2
Views: 1667

No Oracle Group at SQL Servers and Databases

My sugestion: create a new group at SQL Servers and Databases... There are for others databases, but not for Oracle. New group for Oracle Topics will be possible ?
by amarildolacerda
11.04.2012, 19:30
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0
Replies: 8
Views: 2490

Ill Try, I have a lot of code working with BDE (Borland). I like a lot how zeoslib work and I work in it to solve some problems... Than I was thinking... If zeos have the same interface of TQuery, TDatabase, TSesssion.... and others... is it possible to compila BDE and with the same code compile to ...
by amarildolacerda
01.04.2012, 22:42
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6141

Error with Output params from procedure

I Have a procedure like: procedure my_proc( v out number); When a execute with TZStoredProc I have an exception. I Change this code in ZDbcOracleUtils line 414 (in red); procedure LoadOracleVars(PlainDriver: IZOraclePlainDriver; Connection: IZConnection; ErrorHandle: POCIError; Variables: PZSQLVars;...
by amarildolacerda
01.04.2012, 21:40
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0
Replies: 8
Views: 2490

BDE 2 ZeosLib

Translate BDE interface to ZeosLib.

To mirror of BDEConfig, run procedure: ChecaCreateZConnection(false); It will create ZConnections.ini with zeos config.
by amarildolacerda
01.04.2012, 20:56
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6141

Thanks for you attent... Actual the code is the same of: link: I restart my work in this code last week. I have problem to get output params from oracle procedure. If you have...
by amarildolacerda
20.09.2011, 02:43
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0
Replies: 8
Views: 2490

IDE - Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0

Changed Oracle implementation StoredProc+Functions Rev. 938 to improve some point of Delphi IDE Component.
by amarildolacerda
15.08.2011, 03:00
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle 10.2 problem to connect
Replies: 8
Views: 2447

Eu tinha uma instalação completa no notebook... e não conseguia conectar... Removi tudo, e depois baixe o "InstantClient"... Depois de algumas pesquisas encontrei um site que indicava como instalar o Ins...
by amarildolacerda
15.08.2011, 02:47
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle 10.2 problem to connect
Replies: 8
Views: 2447

O meu TNSNAMES.ORA.... esta assim: store = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE = yes) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = XE) (FAILOVER_MODE = (TYPE = SELECT) (METHOD = BASIC) (RETRIES = 180) (DELAY = 5) ) ) ) no Forms: objec...
by amarildolacerda
15.08.2011, 02:18
Forum: User Patches
Topic: [patch_done] Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0
Replies: 8
Views: 2490

[patch_done] Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc+Functions-V7.0

- Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc and Functions. (ExecSQL);
- Implement IDE functionalities
TZStoredProc->StoredProcName; TZStoreProc->Params
by amarildolacerda
15.08.2011, 01:58
Forum: Other 6.x Versions
Topic: [patch_done] Zeos 6.6.2-rc + Oracle 10g + Stored procedures
Replies: 13
Views: 6141

Implement Oracle 10g StoredProc and Functions - ZeosLib 7

I Finished first code to Oracle 10g StoredProc and Functions.
I dont known where I can upload...

- on Delphi IDE, can select StoreProcName and Params (on Inspector).
by amarildolacerda
12.08.2011, 13:13
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Interface BDE properties and Functions to ZeosLib7
Replies: 1
Views: 409

Interface BDE properties and Functions to ZeosLib7

I have worked to provide some functionalities to ZeosLib 7 to ack like BDE components.
I have a lot of code working with BDE and want to change BDE to ZeosLib.
To goal this, I'd write BDE's inteface...
For now I have success with and would thanks ZeosLib Team.
by amarildolacerda
12.08.2011, 12:53
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Oracle 10.2 problem to connect
Replies: 8
Views: 2447

Remove IP server. TZConnection use TNSNAMES to connect.

Like this:

object ZConnection1: TZConnection
Protocol = 'oracle'
Database = 'dbrhm'
User = 'dbrhm'
Password = '123456'