Search found 1891 matches

by marsupilami
16.01.2024, 16:00
Forum: Firebird
Topic: DROP DATABASE implementation
Replies: 1
Views: 275

Re: DROP DATABASE implementation

Hello eversun, The DROP DATABASE statement deletes the current database. Before deleting a database, you have to connect to it. So - if you have to connect to the database you could do something like this: ZConnection.Connect; ZConnection.ExecuteDirect('DROP DATABASE'); ZConnection.Disconnect; I am ...
by marsupilami
16.01.2024, 15:51
Forum: Firebird
Topic: check On-Disk-Structure (Version) of fdb-file
Replies: 1
Views: 270

Re: check On-Disk-Structure (Version) of fdb-file

Hello Siegbert, In embedded Version of firebird 4 it is possible, to open a Database-File that has Version 2.5. No - this is not possible at all. Are you sure, your program is loading the correct fbclient.dll? I use the following code to determine the ODS version, where the ODS version gets saved in...
by marsupilami
16.01.2024, 10:30
Forum: SQLite
Topic: SQLite on iOS
Replies: 3
Views: 352

Re: SQLite on iOS

Hello Alan - I tried SQLite on Android. It works. Let me know if you have any problems.
by marsupilami
15.01.2024, 09:55
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Sorting by calculated field does not work
Replies: 9
Views: 783

Re: Sorting by calculated field does not work


which version of Zeos do you use? I seem to remember thios was a problem in Zeos 7.2. But I thought it was fixed for Zeos 8.

Which error message do you get?
Which version of Delphi or Lazarus / Freepascal do you use?
Can you provide a small sample application?

With best regards,

by marsupilami
15.01.2024, 09:48
Forum: SQLite
Topic: SQLite on iOS
Replies: 3
Views: 352

Re: SQLite on iOS

Hello Alan, in general it should be possible to use SQLite with Zeos 8 on iOS. The driver compiles just fine. But I don't know of anybody who tested this. Plese checkoud the current version of Zeos 8 from our SVN. Basically the steps should be: Find an SQLite 3 library for iOS (I couldn't find one o...
by marsupilami
15.01.2024, 09:35
Forum: Firebird
Topic: FireBird 4 and 5
Replies: 4
Views: 473

Re: FireBird 4 and 5

No - please use the "firebird" protocol. Protocol names with version numbers are deprecated and are not supported with Zeos 8.

With best regards,

by marsupilami
15.01.2024, 09:33
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Compile-Error on ZDbcAdoUtils (D7)
Replies: 2
Views: 357

Re: Compile-Error on ZDbcAdoUtils (D7)

Hello DieterWo, I am sorry - it took some time to test this. On my Test computer the DBC package of Zeos 7.2.14 compiles just fine. Maybe there are some old DCU files around or something like this? Please clean up the build directory in the Delphi 7 package directory. Also check "C:\Program Fil...
by marsupilami
13.01.2024, 15:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Lazarus - TZUpdateSQL not bringing its update fields selected
Replies: 8
Views: 588

Re: Lazarus - TZUpdateSQL not bringing its update fields selected

Hello singlesis,

unfortunately there is no patch yet.

With best regards,

by marsupilami
12.01.2024, 17:29
Forum: Firebird
Topic: FireBird 4 and 5
Replies: 4
Views: 473

Re: FireBird 4 and 5

Hello Al-Eid,

Zeos 8 and Zeos 7.2 support Firebird 4 and 5.

With best regards,

by marsupilami
11.01.2024, 15:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: [zeos8] Wrong statement does noy triiger an exception when prepare, Why?
Replies: 6
Views: 531

Re: [zeos8] Wrong statement does noy triiger an exception when prepare, Why?

Prepare queries need to submit sql code to a server previously and returning true of false from server to proceed. Some times, we do manually: if not query1.prepared then query1.prepare; Why would you do that? Just remove these lines and do error handling when you open the query. Because another in...
by marsupilami
02.01.2024, 09:39
Forum: User Patches
Topic: I got rid of recent hints and warnings
Replies: 1
Views: 332

Re: I got rid of recent hints and warnings

Hello aehimself,

I applied the patch. Thank you and a happy new year :)

by marsupilami
29.12.2023, 22:24
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: LargeInt like FMTBcdField Size 0
Replies: 3
Views: 501

Re: LargeInt like FMTBcdField Size 0

Hello amonteiro, In the FIB exists a property in the dataset (PrepareOptions) called psSQLINT64toBCD, when i check this the BIGINT in the Firebird is treated like type BCD size 0. Is there something like this in the ZEOS? No - there is no property like that in Zeos. Why would you want to treat an IN...
by marsupilami
19.12.2023, 11:22
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: Compilation problems [D7]
Replies: 1
Views: 378

Re: Compilation problems [D7]

Hello bodenseematze, the following worked for me some minutes ago on Delphi 7 Professional: make sure that only the path to Zeos-trunk\packages\delphi7\build is in the library path. make sure that no old compiled zeos units (Z*.dcu) or old Zeos files (*.pas) can be found by Delphi - even in the dire...
by marsupilami
15.12.2023, 16:18
Forum: ZeosLib 7.3/8.0 Forum
Topic: How to migrate TDateTimeField to TZDateTimeField?
Replies: 1
Views: 305

Re: How to migrate TDateTimeField to TZDateTimeField?

Hello shmorsecode, Zeos now allows to use much more detailed settings than were available with Delphi. The DisplayFormat equivalent of TZDateTimeField is DisplayFormat.Format. The following are lines from an application that we develop: (DataSet.FieldByName('VON') as TZTimeField).DisplayFormat.Forma...