Search found 47 matches

by IbeDBob
23.04.2016, 18:56
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Full text Search
Replies: 0
Views: 2383

Full text Search

I am doing some updates and repairs on some old D5 business stuff (freebie for fiend) with SQLite3 so have to use Zeos 6.6 I would like to speed up a text search which currently uses two BLOB_TEXT Fields, "Class" and "Methods" while not(dm.tbl.EOF) do begin SearchData:=dm.tbl.Fie...
by IbeDBob
06.04.2016, 00:15
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: EOF / BOF not really End / Start
Replies: 3
Views: 1636

Re: EOF / BOF not really End / Start

Awesome, thanks. Had not thought of trying that, must be getting older than I thought. :)
by IbeDBob
04.04.2016, 17:09
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: EOF / BOF not really End / Start
Replies: 3
Views: 1636

EOF / BOF not really End / Start

I am doing some updates on some old D5 stuff with SQLite3 so have to use Zeos 6. This is not working as expected. ..Click Next until the Last File is in use. ....Click Next again and it displays the Last File again. // Surely it should have be at the last File after the Last Next?? ......Click Next ...
by IbeDBob
02.03.2016, 19:05
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: D5, ZeosLib and SQLite problem
Replies: 1
Views: 370

D5, ZeosLib and SQLite problem

Hi All, I have been trying Lazarus and reluctantly I have had to return to D5 for a lot of reasons. This means using ZeosLib 6.6 and it is missing a few treats of 7.2. Namely the ZConnection.LibraryLocation for SQLite's sqlite3.dll and I am unable to activate the Connection at design time. I have de...
by IbeDBob
02.03.2016, 18:57
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus
Replies: 17
Views: 4439

Re: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus

On the right hand side you will find an otion "Unit output directory (-FU)". Hi Jan, thanks for that. I have decided to go back to Delphi-5 as Lazarus is just too unpolished. I keep running into obstacles when doing more technical stuff and Lazarus/FPC falls short. I am forever trying to ...
by IbeDBob
29.02.2016, 13:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus
Replies: 17
Views: 4439

Re: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus

I changed the unit output path (-FU) to a separate path per package: lib\zcore\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) lib\zparsesql\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) lib\zplain\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) lib\zdbc\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) lib\zcomponent\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS) Jan, where exactly are you making these change...
by IbeDBob
23.02.2016, 18:43
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus
Replies: 17
Views: 4439

Re: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus

Don't the !!!duplicate!!! errors tell you Hmm, nice. I am NOT an idiot. At the risk if duplicating Posts here, (and getting yelled at for doing that) when I made the above statement, I then posted to the 7.1 stable forum with a link to this thread as discovered that the 7.1 version ALSO does the sa...
by IbeDBob
23.02.2016, 14:21
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: Lazarus compile errors
Replies: 3
Views: 1141

Lazarus compile errors

Hi, I am having this problem reported in the beta forum. I installed 7.1 first and got the problem so tried 7.2. Same issue, 172 Zeos specific warnings. I deleted all of the problem files, but next compile, same issue. Current versions of...
by IbeDBob
23.02.2016, 14:11
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus
Replies: 17
Views: 4439

Re: Note about duplicate units in Lazarus

Me too and not just 7.2, it does it with "stable" 7.1.

Any fix or work around?
by IbeDBob
23.02.2016, 14:05
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Any way to seperate constraint errors
Replies: 2
Views: 494

Re: Any way to seperate constraint errors

Thanks, thought I would ask here first, but decided to handle the issue myself before Post. More coding, but more control. I guess I was being lazy. :)
by IbeDBob
19.02.2016, 14:22
Forum: ZeosLib 7.2 Forum
Topic: Any way to seperate constraint errors
Replies: 2
Views: 494

Any way to seperate constraint errors

Squlite and I have two constraints, UNIQUE and CHECK RANGE.

Is there any way to get an error number for the specific error when using try/except/end.

All I get is "SQL Error: Constraint failed" and I'd like to let the user know specifically, what just went wrong.
by IbeDBob
07.04.2015, 23:10
Forum: SQLite
Topic: Changes to Data?
Replies: 1
Views: 1548

Changes to Data?

Hi, I am looking for a way to see if there have been data changes to save wasting time over-writing a basically duplicate file for backup. I tried using FileAge(FName) but it appears that Zeos 6.6 writes stuff to the file whether data was changed or not so that's no help. I checked the SQLIte wiki a...
by IbeDBob
28.09.2014, 23:44
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: Stop auto scroll with DBGrid
Replies: 3
Views: 3907

Re: Stop auto scroll with DBGrid

Michael, thanks for the quick reply, but this is what I did and it doesn't help. In unit ZAbstractRODataset; {** Options for dataset. } TZDatasetOption = (doOemTranslate, doCalcDefaults, doAlwaysDetailResync, doSmartOpen, doDontSortOnPost); But the doDontSortOnPost does not show up in the property e...
by IbeDBob
28.09.2014, 21:11
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: Stop auto scroll with DBGrid
Replies: 3
Views: 3907

Stop auto scroll with DBGrid

Hi All, I have an irritating issue with Delphi, SQLite, Zeos and a DBGrid. If I have a database of say 300 items and the DBGrid had that has 7 visible rows. I have an OnCellClick event that toggles a Boolean. tblShop.Edit; tblShop.FieldByName('Active').AsBoolean:=not(tblShop.FieldByName('Active').As...
by IbeDBob
22.07.2014, 20:05
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: SQL logic error or missing database
Replies: 2
Views: 3064

SQL logic error or missing database

Hi All, I have to use Zeos 6.6. as I am still on Delphi 5 and am getting this error when opening a database. In the IDE it works fine. Running the program directly form the development folder it works fine. But - if I make a copy of the program, the sqlite.dll and the database in another folder, I g...