Search found 43 matches

by tintinux
31.08.2015, 15:07
Forum: ZeosLib 7.1 stable Forum
Topic: error connecting mysql with ssl
Replies: 0
Views: 1009

error connecting mysql with ssl

Hi I'm using MySql, Zeos 7.1.4 stable, and Lazarus on Linux Ubuntu (client and server) I have ssl setup on a test server and working certificates and key, and I can succesfully connect without zeos, like this : ~$ mysql -h -utestzeos -p --ssl-ca=/tmp/testzeos/authority_certif.pem --ssl-cert...
by tintinux
09.01.2013, 14:08
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: database name case
Replies: 4
Views: 2057

I agree that this is not a ZeosLib bug or issue. But it is not normal that the same given database name (Test) works in a create query and not when assigned to a TZConnection. We must change the case before opening, since Postgres API apparently don't. Every application can do this, but I just sugge...
by tintinux
09.01.2013, 08:08
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: database name case
Replies: 4
Views: 2057

Hi I guess you should connect now with "TEST" not with "Test". No, when I use Test not surrounded with quotes the database test (lowercase) is created (according to pg documentation), but I can connect only with test (lowercase). It looks like Postgresql convert to lowercase in a...
by tintinux
08.01.2013, 14:00
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: database name case
Replies: 4
Views: 2057

database name case

Hi According to Postgresql documentation, the database object names are not case sensitive unless they are surrounded by quotes. If I execute the Sql : "Create database Test [...] ", a database test (in lowercase) is actually created, from ZeosLib like from any other tool. Fine. :D But if ...
by tintinux
31.08.2012, 11:29
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794

Hi I understand and hope that my code is good enough. Just look at or to for more information. Do not expect many contributions to ZeosLib, I work full time as a contractor on a big Delphi project and my free time is main...
by tintinux
31.08.2012, 08:04
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794

Hi I tried to commit, but : Execute: Commit Error: Error while performing action: Commit failed (details follow): access to '/p/zeoslib/code-0/!svn/act/f6adddab-cb42-4a51-a97d-d22492bba0c7' forbidden Ready I logged in successfully with my forum identifiers. Do I need some right to do this ? However,...
by tintinux
30.08.2012, 12:50
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794


I was planning to commit in the 7.0 SVN (if possible).
Just let me some time to test.

by tintinux
28.08.2012, 16:54
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794


I agree, the LibraryLocation property should be used for special purposes only, and only one file is enough.

I think it is necessary to explain all this to programmers using this property !

I'll try to add soon the MySql 5.5 drivers for Linux in 7.0 SVN.

by tintinux
22.08.2012, 21:52
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794

Michael, Your new property LibraryLocation admit only one file ? If I'm right, for a protocol, when the next driver will be available, we won't be able to put in in the property. We will need to have the previous driver included in the list defined by Zeos... Or else, we will have to duplicate in ou...
by tintinux
22.08.2012, 21:04
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794

Hi No I didn't used the SVN 6.6-patches, because it is not clear for me about what it contains. I was currently downloading to SVN the trunk branch, because I'm afraid I will have to use it on my 64 bits station. I will try the new property. Could you or Mark explain a little more the different bran...
by tintinux
22.08.2012, 18:59
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: MySql on Ubuntu 12.04
Replies: 12
Views: 1794

MySql on Ubuntu 12.04

Hi The same issue as explained in my post is now happening with Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pengolin. The dynamic module (MySql 5.1) is no more provided when you install the package Mysql-Client. Instead we have (MySql 5....
by tintinux
26.03.2012, 15:35
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Solution for ZEOS 6.6.6 with >= FPC2.5.x
Replies: 34
Views: 5629

Hi Thanks for the link. It is never too late... I have just tried with Lazarus and FPC 2.6 on Windows. There are compilation errors in ZClasses.pas G:\Lazarus\Tiers\Zeos\preview-ZEOSDBO-6.6.7-stable\src\core\ZClasses.pas(90,22) Error: No matching implementation for interface method "IU...
by tintinux
06.02.2012, 13:25
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: SSL file with spaces
Replies: 1
Views: 309

SSL file with spaces

Hi I can successfully connect to MySql with a SSL certificate, but not when the file is in a folder containing spaces. MYSQL_SSL=TRUE MYSQL_SSL_CA=/tmp/ca-cert.pem is Ok. MYSQL_SSL=TRUE MYSQL_SSL_CA=/tmp/test folder/ca-cert.pem returns : "SQL error : SSL Connection Error" (of course the .p...
by tintinux
06.02.2012, 13:14
Forum: MySQL
Topic: ZConnection via SSL
Replies: 1
Views: 1374


Sure, to connect to MYSQL with SSL you need a certificate on the client.


by tintinux
11.04.2011, 12:42
Forum: Documentations
Topic: List attribute primary key , index key , foreign key
Replies: 4
Views: 2412

None, that I know...
You will have an hard work with all these different databases.
It would be really useful to share it.
Buon lavoro !