Search found 15 matches

by una.bicicleta
30.09.2013, 10:23
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: Property PreprepareSQL does not exists
Replies: 2
Views: 2045

Re: Property PreprepareSQL does not exists

Thanks, I'll try again later.
by una.bicicleta
29.09.2013, 01:37
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: Property PreprepareSQL does not exists
Replies: 2
Views: 2045

Property PreprepareSQL does not exists

Whenever I open and run a delphi project with zConnection, I always get an error: "Error reading ZConnection1.PreprepareSQL: Property PrepepareSQL does not exist" I can set the property to TRUE so my delphi project runs normal, but every time I close out and re-open, the property resets to...
by una.bicicleta
21.02.2013, 20:40
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: TZConnectionGroup LibraryLocation bug and how to fix it
Replies: 2
Views: 629

TZConnectionGroup LibraryLocation bug and how to fix it

To fix abstract error in TZConnectionGroup librarylocation property, download my attachment file.

version : ZEOSDBO-7.0.3-stable
by una.bicicleta
12.11.2010, 17:36
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I will check the svn branch that you mention.

by una.bicicleta
11.11.2010, 11:18
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

Sorry, I meant TZGroupedconnection. It works now, I change all TZConnection to TZAbstractConnection in ZPropertyeditor.pas Components that compatible with TZGroupedConnection so far: - TZReadOnlyQuery - TZQuery - TZTable - TZStoredProc - TZSQLMetadata I tested it under Windows 7, Delphi 2007, Firebi...
by una.bicicleta
09.11.2010, 07:39
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

Ok, I still need time to make TZSQLMetadata compatible with TZConnectionGroup, I will upload the diff report and the new files after that.

Btw, what software you're using to make a diff report ?
by una.bicicleta
05.11.2010, 11:28
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I make several modifications and add 2 new components in ZEOSDBO-7.0.0-alpha (Delphi 2007 package only): Feature: - New TZAbstractConnection - New TZConnectionGroup - New TZGroupedConnection - Simple encrypt/decrypt for User/Password in TZConnectionGroup There's a demo on how to use TZGroupedConnect...
by una.bicicleta
16.06.2010, 10:49
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I've got a new problem, ZTable, ZQuery and ZReadOnlyQuery can't use TZGroupedConnection as their connection because TZGroupedConnection parent class now is TZAbstractConnection and not TZConnection. I can re-create TZconnection base on TZAbstractConnection class, but now I have to remove all ZConnec...
by una.bicicleta
15.05.2010, 14:37
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

Ok, I'll do it.
Of course, I still need a lot of help from you and Zeos community.
I'll post the component source in here later.
by una.bicicleta
06.05.2010, 14:47
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I'm glad if Zeos wants to add TZConnectionGroup and TZGroupedConnection to Zeoslib 7. And thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'm quite capable to do this job. Hiding published properties in TZGroupedConnection base class (TZConnection) is still impossible for me. Maybe someone who have more exp...
by una.bicicleta
19.04.2010, 10:57
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

Thanks Luzcka and Mark, I want to make ZTransaction works for every Zeos version, so using ZConnection as ZTransaction base class is the simple way to do that, and the reason why I choose 'ZDbConnection' name, not 'ZDatabase', because I'm worried that someday my component name (assuming I use ZDatab...
by una.bicicleta
04.04.2010, 10:29
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I use ZDbConnection to store User, Password, Database, Port and Protocol. Every Ztransaction which connected to ZDbConnection in design or run time, didn't have to provide with the same User,Password or Database again. In my project design, I use 1 ZDbConnection in Data Module, and ZTransaction in o...
by una.bicicleta
30.03.2010, 09:41
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

Another fix for my component: unit ZTransaction; interface {$I} uses Types, SysUtils, Classes, ZDbcIntfs, DB, ZDbcAdoUtils,Forms, ZCompatibility, ZConnection, ZSequence, Dialogs, ZDbConnection; type TZTransaction = class(TZConnection) protected FZDbConnection: TZDbConnection; FZDbConn...
by una.bicicleta
29.03.2010, 22:17
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

I see... , thanks for the answer. I tried to create my own components based on TZConnection class, and this is my working component so far: TZDbConnection and TZTransaction. unit ZTransaction; interface {$I} uses Types, SysUtils, Classes, ZDbcIntfs, DB, ZDbcAdoUtils,Forms, ZCompatibil...
by una.bicicleta
28.03.2010, 18:31
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase
Replies: 25
Views: 4290

ZEOS database component like TDabatase or TIBDatabase

Do ZEOS have a component like TDatabase (for BDE) or TIBDatabase (for IBExpress)? so I don't have to set the protocol, username and password for every ZConnection in my form ?
