Search found 71 matches

by mrLion
10.09.2010, 16:14
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Not saved information in the field bytea. Postgresql 8.4
Replies: 7
Views: 1183

In general, knows how to work zeoslib with blob-fields of the database Postgresql? Vary nice! So, i`m use SQL, NOT TZTable! And write to Postgre 8.3.11 is work. Try Post before This is my code (C++): in this example q1 - is TZQuery plg_db->q1->SQL->Add("update docum set doc_cname...
by mrLion
01.09.2010, 16:18
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Getting started with NOTIFY statement
Replies: 10
Views: 2392

Are you can`t use searching????
by mrLion
17.08.2010, 20:05
Forum: SQLite
Topic: ZQuery.Delete removes a record in another table
Replies: 7
Views: 1460

Зачем, блин, хранить индекс???? И такой подход - просто издевательство. Представь, что таблица хранить 1000 записей. Пе6рвый запрос выбирает 1000, второй 999, 998... ну и т.д. Нагрузка на сервер и сеть - чумовая. FetchAll - принудительно выбирает все записи по условию запроса. А алгоритм последовате...
by mrLion
16.08.2010, 19:55
Forum: SQLite
Topic: ZQuery.Delete removes a record in another table
Replies: 7
Views: 1460

For I:=0 to I<=ZQuery.RecordCount do
... обработка...

в чем проблема то?
Никакого удаления, просто перебор всех выбранных и подлежащих обработке записей. Или я что-то недопонял?!
by mrLion
13.08.2010, 17:49
Forum: SQLite
Topic: ZQuery.Delete removes a record in another table
Replies: 7
Views: 1460

вообще-то нормально. так и должно быть. :) Причем, судя по тексту удаляется та запись на которой стоит указатель. Учитывая, что запрос не содержит директиву order by , то при каждом обращении может быть произвольная запись. Может быть, если ты поставишь свойство ReadOnly Query (или что-то типа этого...
by mrLion
26.07.2010, 15:18
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Mini Tutorial about How to use PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
Replies: 3
Views: 1197

nilsonrio, Friend, I'm not going to indicate to you what to write. :) I would on the contrary proposed to read the above topic and to refine the finished component based on identified errors.
by mrLion
25.07.2010, 19:15
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Mini Tutorial about How to use PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
Replies: 3
Views: 1197

by mrLion
08.07.2010, 04:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Send to DB in UTF8
Replies: 10
Views: 898

trob, Sorry, i`m dont use MySQL. Cant help you in this case.
by mrLion
07.07.2010, 18:46
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Send to DB in UTF8
Replies: 10
Views: 898

What exactly is meant by a "normal language"?
I think I would not try to hurt you! Sorry if came by accident. My native language - Russian. If you want to let it get started.

Which, interestingly, it is reasonable to use the conversion function? I do not understand. :blink:
by mrLion
06.07.2010, 19:21
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Send to DB in UTF8
Replies: 10
Views: 898

:blink2: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why you use this incredible code???!?!!!!!! Why you can`t use simple example: (sorry, i`m use C++....) q : TZQuery; q.SQL.Clear(); q.SQL.Add('Insert into tbl values (:Z1)'); q.ParamByName('Z1').AsWideString:='in forest born the.... :))))'; q.ExecSQL; db.C...
by mrLion
05.07.2010, 19:40
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Send to DB in UTF8
Replies: 10
Views: 898

???? Are you create BD in UTF8 codepage???? Are you sure? And what DB Server you are use?? My example for PostrgreSQL, for you case it`s parameter may be different. Check documentation for connect string. and for write use: query.ParamByName('Par').AsWideString:='string....'; ....... P.S. Publick yo...
by mrLion
04.07.2010, 19:08
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Send to DB in UTF8
Replies: 10
Views: 898

set TZConnection.Property to:

this is for PostgreSQL. For other version DB its may different....
by mrLion
04.07.2010, 16:14
Forum: User Contributions
Topic: ZEOS inside FastReport 4.x
Replies: 5
Views: 4259

ZEOS inside FastReport 4.x

Due to the need to use ZEOS within report generator FastReport 4.x developed a library of internal components for FastReport integration ZEOS 7.0 I spread to the community, perhaps someone and need. The project is built for RAD Studio 2010, but to alter it to other versions as it seems to me no trou...
by mrLion
15.06.2010, 16:48
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5276

mdaems , see to code in my prev post. mdaems , This problem is solved very simply. I laid out the code. True to C ++... But I think that will understand. There is nothing complicated there. Oh, and here's another post the code for the integration ZEOS 7.0.0 with FastReport 4.9. The code in Delphi 2...
by mrLion
01.06.2010, 19:34
Forum: User Patches
Topic: Postgre SQL Events Alerter
Replies: 19
Views: 5276

silvioprog , mdaems , HI ! Here is a code that I mentioned in a previous message. Here and there, tried to write comments English. However, the code is fairly transparent. Yes. More. This code is tied to the version 7.0.0 alpha. True code components had slightly modified in order to gain direct acc...