Search found 71 matches

by mrLion
03.04.2011, 11:47
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Firebird max.record length 32Kb
Replies: 5
Views: 1019

mdaems , Your analysis is correct, except for the I agree with that, but below the text I say that chosen field of type Varchar 255 ... what to do if the problem is exactly like that. I think that the "temporary and crooked" decision of the forcible removal of a patch from the source (and...
by mrLion
30.03.2011, 08:49
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Firebird max.record length 32Kb
Replies: 5
Views: 1019

Error is probably still strategic, contained in the module "ZDBCCashe.pas" in function "constructor TZRowAccessor.Create (ColumnsInfo: TObjectList);" Yes, and of course version ZEOS 7.0 - latest release from svn repository constructor TZRowAccessor.Create(ColumnsInfo: TObjectList...
by mrLion
29.03.2011, 10:52
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Firebird max.record length 32Kb
Replies: 5
Views: 1019

Not only in FireBird. In PostgreSQL also. I`m detect point of error. But dont understand why use 32k limit.
by mrLion
02.03.2011, 20:39
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: install zeos 7 on delphi xe
Replies: 3
Views: 1114

StoRmtec, nkaku, i`m use self-modifyed autoinstaller prog...
if you wish, i can post EXE & script for auto install ZEOS 7.0 in delphi XE in this topic... tomorrow... :)
by mrLion
31.01.2011, 18:51
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Postgres Fields are marked ReadOnly
Replies: 4
Views: 782

sandeep_c24, may be you are open View? :)
by mrLion
24.12.2010, 21:01
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: bytea field save\load
Replies: 10
Views: 4219

bser, дружище, тебе надо сперва грузить файл в поток, а потом загружать параметр из потока.

Сори, не могу сейчас привести код, да он у меня на С++.
Смотри в сторону ReadFromStream / SaveToStream
by mrLion
13.10.2010, 16:42
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Serial/Autoincrement is jumping up by 2 every time on PgSQL
Replies: 3
Views: 638

vfclists , may be this link between Query and UpdateSQL use 2-stage transaction Commit??? Then serial field (generator) after 2 commit command really "jumping" ut to 2? Check you code for update in EMC PostgreSQL Manager. Use for it tools that catch incoming SQL queries... PS: I`m never u...
by mrLion
08.10.2010, 17:45
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Delphi + ADO + PostgreSQL
Replies: 3
Views: 1838

Marcin W., can`t understand ..... why? Simple change one property to postgresql and that`s all....
by mrLion
06.10.2010, 18:38
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Delphi + ADO + PostgreSQL
Replies: 3
Views: 1838

Marcin W., why use ADO? use direct access "postgresql" - protocol. ADO - is bad idea.
by mrLion
22.09.2010, 17:34
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Getting started with NOTIFY statement
Replies: 10
Views: 2392

I`m - C++Builder 2010 ... :) So, look for it: can i help you? I`m think ... no. Pascal is not my love language. I`m now it, but not use often. All my projects on c++, and examples that i can write to you also on C++.
by mrLion
22.09.2010, 16:34
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Getting started with NOTIFY statement
Replies: 10
Views: 2392

may be.... NO. Use svn:// to load last svn-revision now - 817. Andask, what are you using? Delphi or C++ Builder?
by mrLion
20.09.2010, 18:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Delphi 2010 - Compile, Install - But no components
Replies: 25
Views: 10377

mdaems Sorry, I just can not understand you. My English does not allow me. Both auto translator speaks nonsense. Can you repeat the question in Russian? If the question is to make the installation script that I had already laid out. Well, I can adjust for the different versions. This installer auto...
by mrLion
20.09.2010, 18:46
Forum: PostgreSQL
Topic: Getting started with NOTIFY statement
Replies: 10
Views: 2392

Andask, What the problem? My code on C++, silvioprog wrote component on delphi. Load last snapshot 7.0.1, that consist TPGEvenAlerter conponent.

P.S. If you use C++ i can describe code.
by mrLion
19.09.2010, 12:04
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Wath is DesignConnection property?
Replies: 1
Views: 889

In design time this use for setup property of TZTable etc. But DesignConnection don`t auto establish connect to DB in runtime mode. In run time use Connected.

DesignConnection only for debug in design mode
by mrLion
14.09.2010, 16:00
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Delphi 2010 - Compile, Install - But no components
Replies: 25
Views: 10377

Hi all! I read the posts and can not understand why the majority tries to install the components manually. Use MultiInstaller from the site Silverpoint Here's the code for the installer. I use it myself constantly. I can not say that absolutely no problems, but it is a ZEOS - no. [Package - ZeosDBO ...