Search found 19 matches

by glk70
17.09.2013, 16:27
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: cannot view ZEOS components in Delphi2010 toolbar
Replies: 3
Views: 2000

Re: cannot view ZEOS components in Delphi2010 toolbar

can't believe I'm the only one experiencing this situation.

No suggestion at all ???
by glk70
12.09.2013, 16:37
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Stable Forum
Topic: cannot view ZEOS components in Delphi2010 toolbar
Replies: 3
Views: 2000

cannot view ZEOS components in Delphi2010 toolbar

Hi folks I've just downloaded zeos 7.0.4 stable. I've rebuild everything (as I was using zeos in a project I just wanted to be sure every dcu is updated). everything fine. Than I installed ZComponenDesign140.bpl. Packaged installed successfully, BUT, no Zeos TAB created in delhpi 2010 toolbar , and ...
by glk70
24.08.2011, 15:43
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

Re: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields

hello, could you solve this problem, I feel the same. work with delphi 7 and Zeos 6.6.5. Sorry for my english Sorry I cannot use Delphi7 because it is incompatible with Windows7. The only version I can use is Delphi2010. And Zeos Lib seems to be unable to handle correctly the datetime conversion fo...
by glk70
15.07.2010, 15:32
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

Date/Time fields

Access saves Date/Time , Date and Time values in the same fieldType. I've not a clear detail how it can recognize the three different styles What I knwo for sure is that 01-01-1980 15:38 is different from 15:38 but other db Interfaces (for example DBGO ) holds the date/teim , date and time values co...
by glk70
15.07.2010, 11:22
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

no news about date/time Fields

Unfortunately No News. as far as I could debug the problem there is something worng with the interface with ADO. but I could not manage to lock down tot the problem. It's likely a bit mismatch in field definition. So ADO returns only date fields because it is instructed in doing so by Zeos. But it i...
by glk70
17.05.2010, 11:14
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Access violation ftMemo asWideString
Replies: 4
Views: 712

Sorry, I really made me misunderstood. The DataStream is not created , but it is not a vcl error. ZeosLib do NOT actively create the DatStream because some conditions are not met. I've not investigated it at all, as I discovered other problems with ADO and I had to change to another environment (dbG...
by glk70
13.05.2010, 16:58
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Access violation ftMemo asWideString
Replies: 4
Views: 712

Yes XField.FieldName is acessible, as I'm compiling a JSON structure so I need fieldname to use it as attribute name in the JSON object. I've already added the ZoesLib source in the search library And asWideString fails to create a DataStream object.... :( so far... so bad. I've not gone further in ...
by glk70
12.05.2010, 11:16
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

the fields in access cannot be declared in that way Field Types in Access are Text Memo Numeric Date/Time Currency Counter (i.e. long integer with autoincrement) Boolean Ole Object HypertextLink ( ! ) What is presented in the article you are citing is what I tried to explain previuosly. Somewhere an...
by glk70
12.05.2010, 08:47
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

changing the field tipe in convertion doesn't solve the problem The real problem is : when accessing DataTime fields date is truncated, so only the integer (days) part of the datetime field is transfered to the application, the hours are lost. at this point changing the coding of the field (tdateTim...
by glk70
11.05.2010, 14:12
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Latest trunk from SVN without register procedures
Replies: 7
Views: 660

THat's exactly the procedure I followed... unfortunately the list of componente in the message Box "New components added" is empty. And the ZEOS Access Palette is Empty. the only way I got to use ZEOS is to copy over the project ZeosDbo.groupproj from an old and working version. this way t...
by glk70
07.05.2010, 16:10
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Big problem with Access DateTimeFields
Replies: 10
Views: 2709

Big problem with Access DateTimeFields

I'm using a MSaccess database thorugh ADO interface via Zeosib Executing a query with DastTime fields I always get only the date (integer) portion of the field. I've followed the problem as far as I could and I've seend that the field type returned is a STdate, which is converted into a TDate. TDate...
by glk70
07.05.2010, 09:02
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Latest trunk from SVN without register procedures
Replies: 7
Views: 660

I've investigated a little bit and I found that ZComponentReg does exists and contains a Register procedure ZComponentReg is not listed in any Uses of any package in ZeosLib Comparing with the version downloaded in March8 the ZComponentReg was included in the ZComponentDesign140 , but int eh current...
by glk70
07.05.2010, 07:49
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Latest trunk from SVN without register procedures
Replies: 7
Views: 660

seawolf wrote:try installing ZComponentDesign140
Sorry I mistyped in the previous message

Installing ZComponentDesign140 nothing is installed.

Worst : Searching in the whole project directory for the register procedures no one is found.
by glk70
06.05.2010, 17:04
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Latest trunk from SVN without register procedures
Replies: 7
Views: 660

seawolf wrote:Try ZeosDbo.groupproj instead of single bpl's
That's exacòy what I've done.
I do
- Build all on GroupProject
- Install on ZComponent140
no component installed.
I'e a previuos version on backup, and this procedure installs everything without an hitch