Search found 51 matches

by barko
15.09.2007, 04:17
Forum: Firebird
Topic: Error under lazarus/ubuntu: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgds
Replies: 2
Views: 1628

You need to install some deb packages, I think:

for gtk2:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libgdk-pixbuf-dev
for gtk1:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install libglib1.2 libgtk1.2 libgtk1.2-common libgdk-pixbuf2
and try to recompile lazarus... works for me
by barko
14.09.2007, 19:13
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: ZQuery memory problem
Replies: 8
Views: 2157

First : FPC has memory issues. AFAIK not too bad for normal use, however. I'm using freepascal on linux (ubuntu) from trunk revision 5191 (this is version 2.1.1) on commercial project with great results (from programming perspective) with latest zeosdbo from testing branch. No memory leaks for me a...
by barko
13.11.2006, 22:55
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: Backward slash (\) problem
Replies: 8
Views: 5079

it works for me on firebird-1.5 and latest zeosdbo (testing branch) from svn, lazarus, fpc, linux
by barko
08.11.2006, 23:25
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: memory leak - firebird
Replies: 7
Views: 1529


I want to thank jacques.bernardes for his work on memory leak of zeosdbo. With svn rev. 169 (testing branch) is this memory leak gone!

by barko
09.10.2006, 18:29
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: ZeosLib and Lazarus 0.9.18 (FPC 2.0.4)
Replies: 12
Views: 3163

krisleech wrote:Actually I was using revision 98, now I'm using 102...
I'm on rev. 98 (fpc 2.0.4, lazarus latest from svn, linux) and work all (except memory leaks... ;) )
by barko
09.10.2006, 17:02
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: ZeosLib and Lazarus 0.9.18 (FPC 2.0.4)
Replies: 12
Views: 3163

Re: Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor

Hi, quick reply! I can compile every package except ZComponent, I get the following error: C:\lazarus\components\zeosdbo-6.5.1_alpha\packages\lazarus\zcomponent.pas(11,43) Fatal: Can't find unit ZPropertyEditor go to packages/lazarus/build and remove all files from there an then use "recompile...
by barko
29.09.2006, 19:08
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Rev 98 does not compile
Replies: 1
Views: 572

it compile fine here... try with recompile clean (zcomponent.lpk), first do remove .../branches/testing/packages/lazarus/build this directory (if you use sources from svn is this path ok) if you use downloaded version then go to packages/lazarus and remove build directory... then open zcomponent.lpk...
by barko
25.09.2006, 12:39
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: PostgreSQL and serial part 2
Replies: 8
Views: 1529

You need SVN client for this kind of actions... look here for more infos: Zeos tutorial.
by barko
18.09.2006, 11:09
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: memory leak - firebird
Replies: 7
Views: 1529

I use latest version from SVN (testing branch), so I think this fix is included... and memory leak is still present...
by barko
17.09.2006, 22:10
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: memory leak - firebird
Replies: 7
Views: 1529

I made same test with SQLdb (included in lazarus) and RAM (memory) is not filled up (it's released after query.close)... so, in zeosdbo is memory leak (may be somewhere in interbase/firebird units?)...
by barko
15.09.2006, 11:34
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: memory leak - firebird
Replies: 7
Views: 1529

memory leak - firebird

hi I have tested some things with this code: var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to 1500 do begin ZQuery.Close; ZQuery.SQL.text:='select * from anytable;'; ZQuery.Open; end; end; And with KDE memory info software I got results; memory is filled up but is not released (on ZQuery.Close) until I close progra...
by barko
11.09.2006, 13:16
Forum: 6.1.5
Topic: Getting Lazarus version of ZeosLib
Replies: 5
Views: 3957

I made some changes in lazarus wiki, but do note that i do not speak english language well, so if you have something to add, post here or you may log in your self and do changes...

Zeos Tutorial (lazarus wiki)
by barko
08.09.2006, 18:01
Forum: 6.5.1 (alpha) - 6.6.x (beta)
Topic: Problems with Codepage
Replies: 6
Views: 2452

here are supported codepages: NONE ASCII BIG_5 CYRL DOS437 DOS737 DOS775 DOS850 DOS852 DOS857 DOS858 DOS860 DOS861 DOS862 DOS863 DOS864 DOS865 DOS866 DOS869 EUCJ_0208 GB_2312 ISO8859_1 ISO8859_2 ISO8859_3 ISO8859_4 ISO8859_5 ISO8859_6 ISO8859_7 ISO8859_8 ISO8859_9 ISO8859_13 KSC_5601 NEXT OCTETS SJI...
by barko
08.09.2006, 17:55
Forum: 6.1.5
Topic: Getting Lazarus version of ZeosLib
Replies: 5
Views: 3957

You need svn client and here is link for download svn version of zeosdbo: svn:// or you may download this version of my svn export from testing branch: it's allways latest - i'm testing it on linux with firebird database... or here: http://users.telene...
by barko
25.07.2006, 10:35
Forum: Bug Reports
Topic: [bug_fixed] ZSqlUpdate append error
Replies: 5
Views: 2169

[bug_fixed] ZSqlUpdate append error

After svn revision 65 there is an error if you use ZSqlUpdate for appending data to firebird database on lazarus for windows and linux (latest lazarus from svn and latest fpc 2.0.3 from svn) If you downgrade to svn rev. 65 (testing branch) and try test project (link removed), you will see no error, ...