Search found 41 matches

by josimarz
14.08.2013, 17:37
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Syntax error - Multiple commands
Replies: 2
Views: 1908


Use a TZSQLProcessor component to run multiple SQL statements.


by josimarz
30.10.2012, 18:54
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [solved] Error in ZSqlProcessor
Replies: 2
Views: 1885

Hello ism,

The problem is not in the Zeos Lib.

When a STORED PROCEDURE in MySQL returns a Result Set, you must specify this using the directives READS SQL DATA or MODIFIES SQL DATE.

More details: ... edure.html

Best regards,

by josimarz
08.10.2012, 18:05
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Bug in ZSQLProcessor dtSetTerm
Replies: 4
Views: 1370


Another way to solve the problem is to enable the property CleanupStatements of TZSQLProcessor.

When this property is enabled the tokenizer removes all comments from the script.

by josimarz
08.10.2012, 14:31
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Bug in ZSQLProcessor dtSetTerm
Replies: 4
Views: 1370

Hello tarnschaf , I checked the SQL script to understand the problem. Until a solution is available, I suggest to solve the problem another way: use the same delimiter throughout the length of the script. Example: CREATE TABLE L4PARTS ( ID Integer NOT NULL, "Nummer" VarChar(22), "Arti...
by josimarz
25.09.2012, 14:56
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [solved] IZResultSet.BeforeFirst dont work
Replies: 3
Views: 998

EgonHugeist , The solution is change the ResultSetConcurrency property to rcUpdatable : var Conn: IZConnection; Stmt: IZStatement; Rs: IZResultSet; begin {...} Stmt := Conn.CreateStatement; Stmt.SetResultSetConcurrency(rcUpdatable); // solution Rs := Stmt.ExecuteQuery('SELECT A FROM T'); Rs.Last; W...
by josimarz
17.09.2012, 22:03
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: [solved] IZResultSet.BeforeFirst dont work
Replies: 3
Views: 998

[solved] IZResultSet.BeforeFirst dont work

Hello, I'm using the ZDBC API to execute queries. Like this: var Rs: IZResultSet; begin Rs := ZConn.DbcConnection.CreateStatement.ExecuteQuery('SELECT A FROM T'); while Rs.Next do begin // end; At one point I wish to return to the top of the resultset, before the first record: Rs.BeforeFirst; But do...
by josimarz
13.08.2012, 20:14
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [solved] Value in the insert ZQuery
Replies: 7
Views: 1127

Though our language is Portuguese, I suggest using English for what others may benefit from the information. For your case I suggest using the TZSQLMonitor component. Just add it to your project, preferably in the same place the TZConnection component. Change the TZSQLMonitor Active property to True...
by josimarz
13.08.2012, 12:55
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: [solved] Value in the insert ZQuery
Replies: 7
Views: 1127

Hello elidorio2

Use the ParamByName to retrieve the value setted up to parameters of TZQuery. Example:

Code: Select all

   I: Integer;
   ZQuery1.ParamByName('col1').AsInteger := 9;
   I := ZQuery1.ParamByName('col1').AsInteger;
Bye, bye

by josimarz
27.07.2012, 18:33
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Filter in a SQL
Replies: 2
Views: 618

Hello jpnuage,

Try use the OR operator:

Code: Select all

More about filters: ... ght=filter

by josimarz
20.07.2012, 13:16
Forum: MySQL
Topic: Bit table field type using query component
Replies: 16
Views: 4164


Verify your MySQL version. "Before 5.0.3, BIT is a synonym for TINYINT(1).".
Source: ... rview.html

by josimarz
22.06.2012, 13:06
Forum: ZeosLib 7.0 Beta Forum
Topic: Master-Detail with Zeos
Replies: 10
Views: 4548


I always use the form showed by mparak. The name of the detail parameter must be equals of the name of field in the master query.


Bye bye,

by josimarz
02.03.2012, 21:35
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: IZResultSet not reference last inserted record
Replies: 1
Views: 370

IZResultSet not reference last inserted record

Hello, I have the following table in the database: PERSON { CODE INTEGER (PRIMARY KEY), NAME VARCHAR } I'm using the interface ZDBC to insert records: function NewPerson(const Name: string): Integer; var Stmt: IZPreparedStatement; Rs: IZResultSet; begin Stmt := Conn.PrepareStatement('SELECT CODE, NA...
by josimarz
20.02.2012, 18:40
Forum: MySQL
Topic: MySQL 5.0.15-nt - Requested database driver was not found
Replies: 2
Views: 5276

hello krisleech, I know the post is old, but to solve this problem you must register the MySQL driver in DriverManager with this code: DriverManager.RegisterDriver(TZMySQLDriver.Create); Another way is to include the unit ZDbcMySQL USES section. The initialization section of ZDbcMySQL be responsible...
by josimarz
31.10.2011, 11:49
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: How to get the sql with parameters replaced?
Replies: 4
Views: 762

Hello! I'm using the TZSQLMonitor component for implement a SQL debugger to my application. I was wrong in thinking that the component does not replace the query parameters. I take this opportunity to ask: has provision for release version 7 stable? As for the topic, consider it solved! Tanks! Josimar
by josimarz
15.08.2011, 15:23
Forum: 6.6 - stable
Topic: Interface BDE properties and Functions to ZeosLib7
Replies: 1
Views: 411

Hello amarildolacerda ! I have experience in converting applications using the BDE to Zeos. I recently worked on the conversion of a large system. I can assure you that there are few properties available in the BDE is not Zeos. Moreover, the Zeos offers far more features than the BDE and has the adv...